
BREAKING NOW: Senate Republicans Agree to ‘One Week Delay,' FBI Probe into Kavanaugh

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.28.18

Republican leadership in the Senate agreed Friday to a “one week delay” to give the FBI time to investigate allegations of sexual assault against Judge Brett Kavanaugh dating back to the early 1980s.

The request -initiated by Sen. Jeff Flake- urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to delay the full Senate vote just hours after Dr. Christine Ford and Judge Kavanaugh appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“There’s going to be a supplemental FBI background investigation” Majority Whip Sen. John Cornyn confirmed Friday.

The President signaled a willingness to allow GOP leadership to reschedule the vote earlier Friday after Flake’s announcement, saying “I’m going to rely on all of the people including Senator Grassley, who’s doing a very good job.”

Read the full report here.

BREAKING: Sen. Jeff Flake to ‘Vote Yes’ on Judge Brett Kavanaugh

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.28.18

Sen. Jeff Flake announced Friday morning he intends to “vote yes” to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court; throwing his support behind President Trump’s pick after allegations of sexual misconduct in the early 1980s derailed the nomination process.

According to the Washington Post, Flake claims he “left the hearing yesterday with as much doubt as certainty” but said the American justice system is based on the presumption of innocence.

“When Dr. Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh surfaced two weeks ago, I insisted that she be allowed to testify before the committee moved to a vote,” said Flake. “Yesterday, we heard compelling testimony from Dr. Ford, as well as a persuasive response from Judge Kavanaugh. I wish that I could express the confidence that some of my colleagues have conveyed about what either did or did not happen in the early 1980s, but I left the hearing yesterday with as much doubt as certainty.”

“What I do know is that our system of justice affords a presumption of innocence to the accused, absent corroborating evidence. That is what binds us to the rule of law,” he added. “I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”

KAVANAUGH: ‘My Family Has Been Destroyed’ Over Assault Allegations

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.27.18

Judge Brett Kavanaugh fiercely defended himself from Dr. Christine Ford’s three-decades old sexual assault allegations Thursday afternoon; saying the national attention and “false accusations” have completely “destroyed” his family.

Kavanaugh was speaking before the Senate Judiciary Committee just minutes after Dr. Ford wrapped her Congressional testimony; warning “If the mere assertion of an allegation, a refuted allegation from 36 years ago, is enough to destroy a person’s life and career, we will have abandoned the basic principles of fairness and due process that define our legal system and our country.”

Kavanaugh went on to discuss the impact the derailed nomination process has had on his family; saying “explaining this to our daughters has been the worst experience of our lives.”

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