
At Least 11 Dead, 6 Injured After Shooting at Virginia Beach Municipal Complex

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.31.19

At least 11 people were killed and six others injured when a lone gunman opened fire at the Virginia Beach Municipal Complex Friday evening.

“At least 11 people were killed and six hurt Friday when a shooter, a city employee ultimately shot and killed by police, opened fire inside a Virginia Beach municipal building, Police Chief Jim A. Cervera said on Friday,” reports Fox News.

“The shooter was a current longtime public utility worker, Cervera said. The names of the gunman and the victims were not released. Police did not describe a possible motive for the attack,” adds the artice.

“ACTIVE SHOOTER SITUATION-municipal center, building 2. Multiple injuries. At this time it is believed that only 1 shooter, and they have been taken into custody. More to follow,” posted the Virginia Beach Police Department’s Twitter account.

“This is the most devastating day in the history of Virginia Beach,” Mayor Bobby Dwyer said. “The people involved are our friends, co-workers, neighbors and colleagues.”

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

BETTE GOES BERSERK: Midler Says ‘F*** YOU’ to GOP Following Deadly SCHOOL SHOOTING

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.15.18

Famed musician and actress Bette Midler went berserk on GOP lawmakers and Mitch McConnell in particular Thursday afternoon; slamming the Republican leader after he offered “the prayers of the whole Senate” to those injured in Wednesday’s school shooting in Florida.

The A-list celebrity lashed-out at McConnell on twitter for his heartwarming comments, saying “F*** you & your worthless thoughts and prayers,” after accusing the GOP leadership of putting campaign donations over the lives of American students.

“F*** you & your worthless thoughts and prayers; you & your obfuscating shills got what you wanted, $$$, while our kids get to die in school,” she posted.

BETTE GOES BERSERK: Midler Says ‘F*** YOU’ to GOP Following Deadly SCHOOL SHOOTING

Midler was responding to a tweet from the Senate Majority Leader earlier in the day.

“Schools should be places where children can learn, and faculty and staff can work, without fear of violence. My colleagues from Florida will carry home the prayers of the whole Senate, for victims and their families, for the community of Parkland, and for the first responders,” he wrote.

BREAKING NOW: At Least One Killed, More Injured at France Christmas Market Shooting

posted by Hannity Staff - 12.11.18

At least one person has been killed and more injured at a shooting near a Christmas Market in Strasbourg, France Tuesday; with local authorities referring to the incident as a “serious security event.”

“One person has been killed and three injured in a shooting near a Christmas market in the French city of Strasbourg, according to emergency workers,” reports the Guardian. “The killing took place at Place Kléber near the city’s Christmas market, which draws millions of tourists every year.”

According to Reuters, the “gunman remains on the run.”

“One person confirmed killed in shooting in French city of Strasbourg, six wounded, gunman on the run, police say,” reports the BBC.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

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