Former Vice President and climate-change crusader Al Gore unloaded on President Trump this week; viciously suggesting his administration should be “terminated early” for “ethical reasons.”
Gore was speaking with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell when he weighed-in on President Trump’s reaction to Hurricane Florence; saying “this experiment with Trumpism is not going well.”
“You know, in science and medicine some experiments are terminated early for ethical reasons,” Gore added. “So these elections this November may turn out to be the beginning of a course correction.”
h/t Daily Caller
GORE GOES GLOBAL: Al Gore Says Germany FALLING BEHIND on Climate Change
Former Vice President and climate change crusader Al Gore took his war against fossil fuels to Europe this week, warning Germany their efforts to fight global warming were rapidly becoming “out of date.”
According to Politico, Gore was speaking in Berlin to a group of “climate change activists” when he called-out Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government for losing its edge in the global fight against pollution.
“Germany was a model for the rest of the world and a narrative took hold here in Germany that might be summarized as ‘Germany leads and everyone follows,’” Gore told Politico. “But that narrative is now out of date.”
“Germany is in danger of being left behind as more aggressive EU governments seize the lead,” he added. “The competitive advantages and job creation advantages of the sustainability revolution put Germany at risk of being left behind. Of course, the subsidies for coal in Germany are enormous.”
Merkel made international headlines years ago when she ordered Germany to move away from nuclear energy -which accounted for nearly 20% of its power production- in the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima disaster.
As a result, the nation turned towards coal and other fossil fuels to mitigate the energy crisis.
Read the full story at Politico.
An Inconvenient Bomb: Al Gore's Climate-Change Film Flops at Box Office
Former Vice President and climate-change crusader Al Gore got some disappointing news this weekend, when his over-hyped and underwhelming movie “An Inconvenient Sequel” became an “inconvenient bomb” at the US box office, earning a measly $900,000 in its opening weekend.
“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” came in 15th place at the US box office, signaling a total lack of interest from the movie-going audience, as well as industry executives and movie reviewers who barely noticed the film’s release.
Global-warming activists and other liberals were quick to accuse the studio of “sabotaging” the documentary, saying Paramount Pictures decided to abandon a large-scale release of the movie in late June.
One article, titled “Al Gore Gets Ripped Off Again,” blames the flop on “right wingers” who were opposed to the film’s environmental message.
“Sadly, the box-office underperformance of An Inconvenient Sequel will be seized upon by climate-change deniers as ‘proof’ that Americans don’t really care about this issue. That’s a false conclusion, but false conclusions never stopped right-wingers before,” wrote the Washington Monthly.
“This was not supposed to happen,” the author wrote. “He should have demanded a recount.”