
BLUE STATE BLUES: New Jersey Weighs TAXING TAP WATER to Bolster Budget

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.19.18

New Jersey is poised to follow California’s lead in the coming weeks, with state officials weighing whether they should implement a new tax on tap water to help bolster the state’s bloated budget.

According to Fox News, the proposal is being introduced by State Sen. Bob Smith, who referred to the new tax as a “user fee.” The measure would implement a $0.10 levy on every 1,000 gallons of water used per household.

Smith claims the new tax would impose an average fee of $32 per year.

“The state already charges a public utility franchise tax on water system operators of $0.01 per 1,000 gallons of water delivered to a consumer.  That tax, which went into effect in 1984, is supposed to ‘ensure clean drinking water in New Jersey,’” write Fox.

“Let’s call it for what it is… it’s another tax,” Councilman Peter Brown D-Linden said.

Read the full story here.


posted by Hannity Staff - 6.04.18

Liberal California Governor Jerry Brown offered a unique solution to solve his state’s crumbling infrastructure this week, unveiling his plan to “tax drinking water” on residents and businesses to help finance new infrastructure projects.

According to the Daily Caller, the revenue would help fund new pipelines and filtering facilities to help remove arsenic and other chemicals found in the state’s water supply -predominately in rural areas.

“Residents and businesses would pay a tax on their monthly water bills, while the average Californian would pay an additional $11.40 per year for drinking water. The agricultural industry would be forced to contribute through taxes on fertilizer purchases and fees paid by dairy farmers. Regulators have long argued California’s water is unsafe to drink,” writes the Caller.

The governor’s plan comes just one year after he signed a new bill raising taxes on gasoline throughout the state, sparking outrage from residents and local businesses who rely on automobiles and trucks to conduct their daily business.

The burdensome tax plan is raising Republicans’ hopes of a surprising “red wave” throughout the state during the 2018 midterm elections.

Read the full story at the Daily Caller.

CALIFORNIA CHAOS: State Imposes LIMIT on Daily Water Use Starting in 2022

posted by Hannity Staff - 6.14.18

The State of California introduced new legislation in recent weeks that aims to limit a household’s daily use of water; capping the daily level at 55 gallons per person and penalizing local water districts who don’t enforce the new regulations.

“Take a shower or do a load of laundry? That will be the decision that heavy water users may soon have to make if they do not cut back on their water consumption after Governor Jerry Brown signed into law two water conservation bills taking effect in 2022,” writes local NBC News.

According to recent studies, the average American uses between 80 and 100 gallons per day, including drinking water, laundry, bathing, cleaning, etc.

“So it is not true that if you take a shower and do laundry on the same day we will show up on your door and fine you that is definitely false,” said the Communications Director for a large water district. “What is true is that we are going to ask more people to be more conscious of their water use over the year.”

Read the full report here.

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