President Biden

BIDEN MADE CAR NOISES? Hur Transcript Reveals Funny Details About Meandering Joe's Interview

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.12.24

According to Robert Hur’s transcripts of his interview with President Biden, Joe was constantly meandering off-topic and made car noises when talking about his car.

From Breitbart News:

The transcript, obtained by Breitbart News in advance of Hur’s testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, showed a prosecutor had asked Biden about his beloved Corvette, trying to pinpoint the timeline of when classified documents were moved to make room for the car in his home garage.

Attorney Marc Krickbuam asked Biden: “Do you remember whether it was when the Corvette was coming back after the Jay Leno show? So, in other words, it goes out for Jay Leno, eventually it comes back.” Biden responded, “Oh no, it was, it was in and out for a bunch of reasons,” before starting to chatter away.

“Because it drove me crazy; I wanted to drive it,” Biden continued. Krickbaum responded, “Got it. That makes sense. A beautiful car.” According to the transcript, Biden then proceeded to talk about his car, and make car noises.

“And the worst part was, they said I couldn’t drive it outside the driveway. It’s a long driveway. So I’d get to the bottom of the driveway, tack it up to about four grand (indiscernible) (makes car sound) (indiscernible) (laughter),” it quoted Biden.

Biden then started talking about cars in general, before Hur interrupted with, “Sir, I’d love — I would love to hear much more about this, but I do have a few more questions to get through.”

More over at Breitbart News:

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