
BETO’S BOMBSHELL: O’Rourke Questions Whether the CONSTITUTION Can Still ‘Manage’ USA

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.16.19

Texas Representative Beto O’Rourke bizarrely questioned the founding principles of the nation this week; asking if a document drafted “230 years ago” could effectively “manage” the United States of America.

O’Rourke was speaking with the Washington Post when he was asked to comment on whether the US could handle “sweeping change” championed by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

“I’m hesitant to answer it because I really feel like it deserves its due, and I don’t want to give you a – actually, just selfishly, I don’t want a sound bite of it reported, but, yeah, I think that’s the question of the moment: Does this still work?” O’Rourke said.

“Can an empire like ours with military presence in over 170 countries around the globe, with trading relationships . . . and security agreements in every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?” he asked.

Read the full report here.

BETO BOMBSHELL: New Video Shows Staffers Used Campaign Funds to ‘ILLEGALLY AID’ Migrant Caravan

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.01.18

Unbelievable undercover footage released by Project Veritas Thursday raises serious legal and ethical questions surrounding Beto O’Rourke’s senate campaign; revealing top staffers potentially violated federal law by using campaign finances to help undocumented workers traveling with the ‘migrant caravan.’

The bombshell video shows O’Rourke’s field manager and others scheming to help the migrants after crossing into the US; suggesting campaign workers use donations and other official funds and resources to assist Central American migrants entering the United States.

“You know that migrant caravan? A few of them got here already and they’re dropping them off like really close,” said a campaign field manager. “I’m going to get some food right now and some stuff to drop off.”

“Don’t ever repeat this stuff but like, if we just say we’re buying some food for an event, like Halloween events,” suggested another staffer.

“That’s not a horrible idea, but I didn’t hear anything,” said the manager. “I think we can use that with [prepaid campaign debit cards] to buy some food, all that sh*t can be totally masked.”

BETO ON BORDER: Trump ‘Locking’ Children in ‘Cages,’ Tear-Gassing Migrants

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.26.18

Failed Texas Senate hopeful Beto O’Rourke unloaded on the Trump administration’s handling of the ‘migrant caravan’ this week; baselessly asserting the White House was “locking” children in “cages.”

Beto posted his incendiary remarks online just hours after dozens of migrants were apprehended after storming the US border and hurling rocks at American authorities.

“It should tell us something about her home country that a mother is willing to travel 2,000 miles with her 4-month old son to come here,” O’Rourke posted.

“[It] should tell us something about our country that we only respond to this desperate need once she is at our border,” O’Rourke continued. “So far, in this administration, that response has included taking kids from their parents, locking them up in cages, and now tear gassing them at the border.

“People are leaving violent countries where they fear for their lives,” he added. “Without money, they are subsisting on hope for their kids, for themselves, that they can get to safety. After being denied the ability to lawfully petition for asylum for the last 10 days, they are desperate.

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