
APRIL’S BAD DAY: Ryan Falsely Claims Trump BOOED at White House, Issues Correction

posted by Hannity Staff - 6.05.18

CNN White House correspondent April Ryan was forced to issue a correction to an earlier report Tuesday after she falsely claimed President Trump was booed at today’s Patriot’s event at the White House.

Ryan initially reported that the President was loudly “heckled and booed” at the rally scheduled to replace the NFL’s Philadelphia Eagle’s welcoming ceremony, when in fact it was Trump’s heckler who was loudly rejected.

The President himself was warmly received by the crowd of spectators.

APRIL’S BAD DAY: Ryan Falsely Claims Trump BOOED at White House, Issues Correction

“Breaking: reporters are rewatching the event and found a heckler in the crowd started asking questions of @realDonaldTrump and the heckler was booed. The heckler was escorted out of the event. The booes were for the heckler,” she later tweeted.

“The original breaking boo tweet was deleted as reporters on the South Lawn who told of the booign and heckling did not see all of what happened on the other side of the lawn. After the tape was watched the heckler was booed not @realDonaldTrump,” she added.


posted by Hannity Staff - 4.10.18

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders shot-down CNN’s April Ryan Tuesday, telling the reporter her question was “absolutely ridiculous” after she asked if President Trump was considering resigning from office.

“The President said yesterday he was complying, they turned over a million documents. If he was complying with the investigation why was there a search warrant?” asked Ryan.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with the President… When it comes to matters of the special counsel and dealing with the President we’ve been fully cooperative,” fired-back Sanders.

“With all of this turmoil, particularly this last week, has the President at any time thought about stepping down, before or now?” pressed the CNN White House correspondent.

“No, and I think that’s an absolutely ridiculous question,” concluded the Press Secretary.

Watch Sanders shutdown Ryan above.

h/t Washington Free Beacon


posted by Hannity Staff - 6.05.18

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders utterly-unloaded on CNN’s April Ryan Tuesday after the reporter repeatedly interrupted the senior Trump aide; blasting the journalist for “rudely interrupting her colleagues” during the daily briefing.

Sanders was fielding questions from reporters when Ryan repeatedly badgered the Secretary on whether the President was willing to backtrack on his position regarding player protests at the NFL.

“There are black and brown soldiers that fight in the military as well who feel taking the knee—bringing attention to police-involved shootings—is something that the W.H. should deal with. Is the president aware that taking the knee is about police-involved shootings?” asked Ryan.

“I let you rudely interrupt me and your colleague, I’m going to ask that you allow me to finish my answer. I’d be happy to answer if you stop talking long enough to let me do that,” fired back Sanders.

Watch the explosive exchange above.

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