FIREWORKS: Mad Maxine Goes After 'Educated Fool' Ben Carson

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.28.17

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters viciously attacked Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson this week, calling the esteemed neurosurgeon an “educated fool” who doesn’t understand the difference between “slavery and immigration.”

Waters was speaking at the National Black Caucus Foundation on Thursday when she suddenly swiped Ben Carson, saying he and others in Trump’s cabinet were part of the “Kremlin Klan.”

“Look at Ben Carson, my god. My grandmother would call him an educated fool,” said Maxine. “Here’s a man who has a reputation of being a very highly competent surgeon, but when he talks about poor people he says they’re the cause of their poverty.”

“He doesn’t understand why you didn’t do what he did. Why you didn’t make it like he made it. He doesn’t know the difference between slavery and immigration. He’s coming before my committee. If you think I took Mnuchin on, you watch what I’m gonna do to Ben Carson,” she warned.

“All of these people in the cabinet that he has chosen to run this country, if we’re not upset something’s wrong with us,” Waters added.

Watch Maxine’s address above… The fireworks start at 8:00.

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