Veep Thoughts

THAT'S EMBARRASSING: PolitiFact Checks Veep's Claim She Has Good Polls Too [SEE IT]

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.09.23


During a recent interview with ABC News’ Linsey Davis, Vice President Kamala Harris was asked about her awful approval ratings.

“There are reports that say that you have the lowest approval rating of any vice president. I’m curious, how much role, if any, (do) you feel race and gender play in that?” Davis asked.

“There are polls that also say I have great approval ratings,” Harris answered.

Watch the clip below:

While it may be painfully obvious to every American that Harris’ statement is false, PolitiFact stepped in to make sure that the truth came out.

From PolitiFact:, a commonly cited repository of political polls, lists all the public polls that asked respondents whether they approved or disapproved of Harris as vice president.

At the time the ABC News interview aired, FiveThirtyEight’s average was 39.7% approving of Harris’ performance and 52.3% disapproving, for a net of 12.6 percentage points “underwater.”

Meanwhile, the most recent poll in which more people approved than disapproved of Harris’ performance was from October 2021 and was more than 100 polls ago. That poll, conducted by Saint. Leo University, found Harris above water by 2 percentage points, which was within the poll’s 3-point margin of error.

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