
THE LITIGATOR: Schwarzenegger to SUE Oil Companies Over GLOBAL WARMING

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.12.18

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his intention to sue American oil companies for “first degree murder” over their role behind “global warming;” claiming the energy producers “knew” of the deadly threats posed by fossil fuels since the 1950s.

The actor-turned-politician revealed the impending lawsuit while speaking with Politico at the annual South-by-Southwest festival in Texas; equating the issue with the tobacco industry and cigarette manufacturers nearly one hundred years ago.

“This is no different from the smoking issue. The tobacco industry knew for years and years and years and decades, that smoking would kill people, would harm people and create cancer, and were hiding that fact from the people and denied it. Then eventually they were taken to court and had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars because of that,” Schwarzenegger said.

“The oil companies knew from 1959 on, they did their own study that there would be global warming happening because of fossil fuels, and on top of it that it would be risky for people’s lives, that it would kill,” he added.

“Every gas station on it, every car should have a warning label on it, every product that has fossil fuels should have a warning label on it,” said the action star.

Listen to the full interview here.

BRAIN FREEZE: Al Gore Says GLOBAL WARMING Behind Frigid Temps

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.05.18

Former Vice President Al Gore believes global warming is the main culprit behind the deep freeze taking hold across large sections of the United States, saying the frigid temperatures are “exactly what we should expect” from climate change.

The climate change champion posted his environmental theory on social media, baselessly claiming that “bitter cold in parts of the US” can be explained by global warming; linking to an article from a “climate scientist.”

“It’s bitter cold in parts of the US, but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis,” he tweeted.

The article, “A ‘Perfect Storm’: Extreme Winter Weather, Bitter Cold, and Climate Change,” strangely suggests that while “The US East Coast is experiencing an ‘old-fashioned’ winter, with plenty of cold weather and some heavy snowfall in certain places,” its somehow connected to man-made pollutants.

“Yet, what we were witnessing play out is in fact very much consistent with our expectations of the response of weather dynamics to human-caused climate change,” the author states.

President Trump prompted a full-fledge media meltdown just days ago, when he jokingly tweeted the east coast of the US “could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming.”

BRAIN FREEZE: Climate Scientists BLAME SANDWICHES for ‘Global Warming’

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.25.18

As the northern hemisphere continues to struggle with plummeting temperatures and frigid snow, a new report from global climate scientists say the current “warming” crisis facing the planet may be caused by one of mankind’s favorite foods: The Sandwich.

Researchers at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom published the “explosive” report this week, claiming the human production, packaging, consumption, and waste from sandwiches is the annual equivalent of nearly nine million automobiles in just Great Britain.

Despite the food’s apparent invention in 1762, scientists now say the sandwich -particularly pre-packaged breakfast sandwiches- generates massive carbon footprints that help contribute to the gradual warming of planet earth.

“Altogether the team looked at 40 different sandwich types, recipes and combinations. They found the highest carbon footprints for the sandwiches with pork meat (bacon, ham or sausages) and those containing cheese or prawns,” says the study.

“Consuming 11.5 billion sandwiches annually in the UK generates, on average, 9.5 million tonnes of CO2 eq., equivalent to the annual use of 8.6 million cars,” it adds. “The results show the largest contributor to a sandwich’s carbon footprint is the agricultural production and processing of their ingredients. Depending on the type, this can account for around 37%-67% of CO2 eq. for ready-made sandwiches.”

Read the full report here.

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