
TED CRUZ: Joe Biden ‘Surrendered to Putin’

posted by Hannity Staff - 12.08.21

Senator Ted Cruz blasted Joe Biden after his two-hour virtual summit with Russian Leader Vladimir Putin; saying the White House has “surrendered” to the Kremlin over a potential invasion of Ukraine.

“Why do you think the White House is backtracking?” asked one reporter.

“President Biden is obviously wrong. Joe Biden surrendered to Putin, waived sanctions that worked. That’s why we’re facing the prospect of a Russian invasion of Ukraine,” said the Senator.

A new report is shedding more light on the Biden administration’s response should Russia invade the Ukraine; claiming the White House is drafting plans to evacuate US citizens from the region if armed conflict breaks-out.


“The Biden administration is considering how to potentially evacuate U.S. citizens from Ukraine should an invasion from Russia prompt security concerns in the country,” reports The Hill.

“A person familiar with the briefing said that Nuland noted that the U.S. had limited options for how to deter Russia from attacking Ukraine entirely; however, she also discussed the harsh sanctions that the Biden administration could impose on Moscow in the event of an invasion. At this time, the administration did not see a need to evacuate Americans,” adds the outlet.

President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a 2-hour virtual summit Tuesday as the Kremlin continued to mass troops along the border with Ukraine.

Read the full report at The Hill.

CRUZ MISSILE: Biden Admin Believes ‘American Jobs are Bad but Russian Jobs are Good’

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.21.21

Senator Ted Cruz called-out the Biden-Harris administration at the US Capitol this week; blasting the White House for suspending American energy pipelines while backing Russia’s oil industry.

“For whatever reason, the Biden-Harris administration seems to have a philosophy that American pipelines and American jobs are bad but Russian pipelines and Russian jobs are apparently good,” said Cruz.

President Biden suspended the Keystone Pipeline through an Executive Order the first day he entered the Oval Office, prompting outrage from energy workers across the United States.

Watch Cruz’ comments above.

CRUZ MISSILE: Cruz Asks Twitter to BAN CNN Over Post Promoting Same Drug That Got Trump Jr Barred

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.29.20

Senator Ted Cruz demanded Twitter ban CNN from its platform Tuesday night; pointing out the network promoted the same treatment for CoVID-19 that got Donald Trump Jr’s account frozen this week.

“Twitter, please ban CNN,” posted Cruz, citing the story.



“A surprising new study found that the controversial antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine helped Covid-19 patients better survive in the hospital,” posted CNN on July 3rd.

Twitter temporarily restricted Trump Jr’s account after posting a video promoting the treatment.

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