
REPORT: Mexico to RAMP UP SECURITY Along Border with Guatemala, Prevent Future Caravans

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.08.19

The Mexican government announced its plan Tuesday to beef-up security along the nation’s southern border with Guatemala; posting guards at 370 “illegal crossing points” to prevent future ‘migrant caravans’ from entering the country.

“The Mexican government says it will put guards at some 370 illegal crossing points along the country’s southern border with Guatemala,” writes the Associated Press. “Mexico’s interior secretary has not set a date for accomplishing the task of securing the porous border.”

The border “will be guarded and controlled to prevent the entry of undocumented people,” added the Secretary.

Mexican authorities have been struggling to deal with thousands of Central American immigrants in Tijuana after their “migrant caravan” was prevented from entering the United States late last year.

Read the full report here.

CARAVAN CHAOS: Mexicans PROTEST Central American Migrants as Thousands Arrive in Tijuana

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.19.18

Hundreds of Mexican protesters chanted “Out!” and publicly demonstrated against thousands of Central American Migrants pouring into the region; setting the stage for a high-stakes showdown between Mexican authorities, American border agents, and the approaching immigrants.

According to the Associated Press, “Hundreds of Tijuana residents congregated around a monument in an affluent section of the city south of California on Sunday to protest the thousands of Central American migrants who have arrived via caravan in hopes of a new life in the U.S.”

US Border Patrol Agents are reportedly processing 100 asylum claims per day as the migrant caravan stalls throughout Tijuana.

“They accused the migrants of being messy, ungrateful and a danger to Tijuana. They also complained about how the caravan forced its way into Mexico, calling it an ‘invasion.’ And they voiced worries that their taxes might be spent to care for the group,” adds the AP.

Read the full story here.

CARAVAN CRISIS: Tijuana Officials Say ONE THIRD of Migrants Being Treated for Health Issues

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.29.18

Tijuana city officials continued to struggle with thousands of Central American migrants stalled in the region this week; saying roughly one third of the ‘caravan’ requires serious medical attention.

According to Fox News, more than 2,200 members of the 6,000 people ‘caravan’ are being treated for ailments including HIV, tuberculosis, lice, infectious diseases, and other medical issues.

“There’s also a threat of Hepatitis outbreak due to unsanitary conditions, the spokesman said. The thousands of migrants are being sheltered at the Benito Juarez Sports Complex near the San Ysidro U.S.-Mexico Port of Entry, despite the place being capable of providing for 1,000 people,” writes Fox News.

Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum said Tuesday that his city is struggling to pay for the $30,000-per-day bill associated with the caravan; adding funds for the migrants will likely run dry by Friday.

Read the full story at Fox News.

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