2024 Heating Up

READY FOR A REMATCH? Trump Tops Biden in Latest Rasmussen Poll —AFTER Indictment

posted by Hannity Staff - 6.19.23

Indictments be damned —Trump is still polling surprisingly strong.

According to Breitbart News, a recent Rasmussen Survey has former President and 2024 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump up on current President Joe Biden 45% to 39%.

That’s not great news for Joe, especially in the wake of a number of polls indicating that Americans are starting to see him as too old to run the country.

From Breitbart News:

Additionally, 57 percent believe Trump will be acquitted, and 53 percent know this is “selective prosecution.” Why? Read on: “A majority of 65 percent of respondents believe Biden ‘mishandled’ classified material, while 72 percent think Clinton did, with 69 percent saying she “obstructed justice” by acid-washing her emails.

Trump was officially indicted on June 13. This Rasmussen poll of 986 likely voters was taken between June 12 and June 14. The date of the indictment doesn’t really matter. By June 12, everyone knew Trump would be indicted, so I consider this a post-indictment poll. The good news is that there is nothing but bad news here for Biden. On top of losing to Trump by six points, 45 percent “believe the Biden administration is more corrupt than most recent administrations, while 37% think the Biden administration is less corrupt.”

What’s more, a clear majority of 52 percent “believe Biden is a worse president than most recent presidents, compared to 32% who think Biden is better than most recent presidents.” 

More over at Breitbart News:

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