Florida Senator Marco Rubio spoke with CNN’s Jake Tapper over the weekend and accused the Biden Administration of leaking Joe’s call with Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu to appease anti-Israel Democrats.
Biden reportedly called Bibi to congratulate him for fending off Iran’s attack and to warn him not to retaliate against the world’s biggest funder of terrorism. Rubio says it’s part of some kind of game the administration is playing.
“There’s only one reason they leaked that. And that is that so when Israel does respond, the White House can say, ‘We told them not to do it,’ and at least somehow, in some way, appease these so-called peace activists,” he told Tapper.
“By the way, these ‘cease-fire now’ people who were out yesterday cheering the launch of hundreds of rockets and drones and missiles against Israel. People that are out there cheering military attacks of this scale and scope are not peace activists. These are antisemites, anti-Israel, pro-terrorist elements out there. And we need to stop calling them peace activists.”
“They are not peace activists. You don’t — peace activists do not cheer massive attacks against other countries, which is what they were doing yesterday. So, I guess this is part of the White House’s effort to appease them by putting this out proactively,” he continued.
“It is the continuing part of this public game that they are playing, which frankly, encourages Iran and Hezbollah, which we haven’t even talked about, and the Houthis and all these other elements that are targeting Israel,” he added.
Watch the clip above.