A handful of progressive House Democrats are launching a last-minute bid to derail House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s potential speakership should their party retake Congress this fall, reports Politico.
“The group, led by Reps. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), among others, wants to force a vote on a Democratic Caucus rules change. They have circulated a letter — signed by a group of anti-Pelosi members — to adopt an amendment to existing Democratic rules,” writes Politico.
The new guidelines would require “an affirmative vote of 218 (or such lesser number is equal to all of the Members of the whole House) … at a Democratic Caucus for the Caucus to nominate someone for Speaker and bind the Democratic Caucus as a whole.”
The current procedure requires a simple majority vote to win election for Speaker, making it harder for Pelosi to secure the position.
“It’s no secret that I think our caucus needs new leadership,” said Rep. Rice.
Read the full story at Politico.
PELOSI'S PLOT: Rep. Hoyer Confirms Liberal PLAN to 'UNRAVEL' GOP Tax Cuts
Leading Democratic Congressman Steny Hoyer revealed his party’s plan Tuesday to “unravel” the GOP tax cuts should they retake the House this November; saying left-wing lawmakers plan to “raise revenue” through higher tax rates.
The Democratic Whip was speaking with CNBC when he was asked whether the liberal legislators would repeal the GOP tax cuts if they seize control of Congress after the 2018 midterm elections.
“If the Democrats win the House in November, what would you do to try and unravel or change the tax law?” asked Rebecca Quick.
“We want to invest in growing jobs. We talk about infrastructure, that’s one way to do it. We talk about jobs skills for the 21st century, that’s another way to do it,” said Hoyer.
“Is that raising the tax rates again on the highest income earners?” she pressed.
“I think certainly we’ll look to raise revenue as opposed to just creating more debt,” confirmed the liberal leader.
Watch Stoyer’s comments above.
PELOSI’S PLOT: Nancy Admits Democrat Plan to ‘RAISE TAXES’
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi publicly admitted the Democratic plan to ‘raise taxes’ should they retake control of Congress after the 2018 midterm elections; saying the country needs to “revisit” the GOP-sponsored tax cuts.
Pelosi was speaking at a Politico event Monday when she made the startling admission; confirming the liberal legislator’s plot to rescind the tax cuts should Democrats take control of the House.
“[Republicans] have a new ad they’ve put out after you… It said that you’d like to reinstate a single payer healthcare program and raise taxes, I think they mean roll back the tax cuts,” said the moderator.
“Well, the second part is accurate,” admitted Pelosi. “I do think that we should revisit tax legislation in a way that we’ve always had; in a bipartisan, transparent way.”
“I do object to what they did in the dark of night to put forth something that gives 83% of the benefits to the top 1%. 86 million middle-income families will pay more taxes,” she added.
Watch Pelosi’s admission above.