
PARENTS STAND UP! 75% of Voters Say Schools Need Consent Before Changing Child's Gender Identity

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.22.23

A new poll published Tuesday by Parents Defending Education found three-out-of-four U.S. voters say they support requiring schools to have parental consent before assisting in a student’s gender identity change, according to Just The News.

From Just The News:

Nearly the same percentage of voters also support legislation requiring schools to tell parents whether their child wants to change their gender identity – with 71% in favor of this requirement, according to a poll published Tuesday by Parents Defending Education.

The group says it fights classroom indoctrination and promotes the restoration of a non-political education.

Republicans are more likely than Democrats to support requiring teachers or staff to inform parents if their child wants to use a different name or pronouns while at school at 86% to 69%. Black voters are also more likely to support this policy at 78%, compared to 77% of white voters, the poll show.

“The numbers speak for themselves: opposition to parental exclusion policies spans racial, political, and socioeconomic lines,” Parents Defending Education President and Founder Nicole Neily said.

More over at Just The News:

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