
PANDEMIC UPDATE: CDC Estimates 40% of Those Infected with CoVID-19 Don’t Show Symptoms

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.26.20

The Centers for Disease Control released new guidelines regarding the Coronavirus Wednesday; suggesting upwards of 40% of those infected with CoVID-19 don’t show symptoms.

“You do not necessarily need a test unless you are a vulnerable individual or your health care provider or state or local public health officials recommend you take one,” the CDC now recommends.

“The CDC has emphasized pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission as a major factor in the transmission of the novel coronavirus, noting last month that its ‘best estimate’ is 40 percent of those infected by the novel coronavirus don’t show symptoms,” reports Fox News.

“This Guidance has been updated to reflect current evidence and best public health practices, and to further emphasize using CDC-approved prevention strategies to protect yourself, your family, and the most vulnerable of all ages,” Adm. Brett P. Giroir, M.D., the assistant secretary for health (ASH) with the HHS, told Fox News in a statement.

“The updated Guidance places an emphasis on testing individuals with symptomatic illness, those with a significant exposure or for vulnerable populations, including residents and staff in nursing homes or long term care facilities, critical infrastructure workers, healthcare workers and first responders, and those individuals (who may be asymptomatic) when prioritized by public health officials. Working with our health care professionals, we can continue to implement this Guidance and adapt it to the local situation as appropriate.”

Read the full report at Fox News.

'SICKENING': Backlash Grows Against Denver Democrat Who Supported Spreading Coronavirus at MAGA Rallies

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.03.20

Denver’s Democratic Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is facing a growing backlash on social media this week after calling for those sick with the deadly Coronavirus to intentionally spread the disease at ‘Make America Great Again’ rallies.

“Democrat Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca says that she stands in ‘solidarity’ with someone who says that they if they get the coronavirus that they will attend as many Trump rallies as possible She appears to have made the statement on her government Twitter account,” posted a reporter with the Daily Wire.


“These people are sick,” posted Donald Trump Jr.

“This elected Democrat in Colorado doesn’t seem very nice!” the Trump campaign War Room Twitter account posted in response.

Read the full report here.

Source: Fox News

‘COMFORT’ ARRIVES: US Navy Hospital Ship Arrives in New York Harbor to Help Deal with Coronavirus

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.30.20

The United States Navy Hospital Ship Comfort arrived in New York Harbor Monday morning to help the nation’s largest city cope with the ongoing Coronavirus crisis.

“There she is,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said as the ship arrived at Manhattan’s Pier 90.

“If there is ever a time that we need to work together it is today,” he added. “The president is right – this is a war. And what does this nation do when it’s at war? It comes together and it acts as one.”

“This great ship behind me is a 70,000-ton message of hope and solidarity to the incredible people of New York, a place I know very well, a place I love,” said President Trump as the ship left Virginia. “We’re here for you. We’re fighting for you and we’re with you all the way and we always will be.”

“I’ve been speaking with a number of my colleagues, governors all across the nation, Democrats and Republicans – I’ve said the same message to all of them. What you see happening in New York is not unique,” said Governor Cuomo. “Yes, we are more dense. Yes, we are bigger than most places, but, this virus spreads among Americans. This virus does not discriminate. It does not discriminate by age, it does not discriminate by party, it infects all Americans. And what you are seeing in New York is going to spread across this country.”

Read the full report here.

Source: Fox News

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