On May 4th, 1776, Rhode Island formally passed a resolution dissolving its ties with Great Britain; months before the other original colonies decided to absolve their relationship with the British crown.
Read the full text of the act below:
An Act repealing an Act entitled “An Act for the effectual securing to His Majesty the Allegiance of His Subjects in this His Colony and Dominion of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations” and altering the Form of Commissions of all Writs and Processes in the Courts, and of the Oaths prescribed by Law.
And Be it further Enacted by this General Assembly, and by the Authority thereof It is Enacted that in all Commissions for Offices Civil and Military and in all Writs and Processes in Law whether original, judicial or executory civil or criminal wherever the Name and Authority of the said King is made Use of the same shall be omitted and in the Room thereof the Name and Authority of the Governor and Company of this Colony shall be substituted in the following Words to wit: “The Governor and Company of the English Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations” That all such Commissions Writs and Processes shall be otherwise of the same Form and Tenor as they heretofore were: That the Courts of Law be no longer entitled nor considered as the Kings Courts: And that no Instrument in Writing of any Nature or Kind, whether public or private, shall in the Date thereof mention the Year of the said King’s Reign: Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this Act contained shall render void or vitiate any Commission, Writ, Process or Instrument, heretofore made or executed, on Account of the Name and Authority of the said King being therein inserted.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Oaths or Engagements to be administered to the Officers appointed in this Colony shall be as follows, to wit
Whereas in all States existing by Compact Protection and allegiance are reciprocal the latter being only due in Consequence of the former: And Where as George the Third King of Britain forgetting his dignity, regardless of the Compact most solemnly
entered into ratified & confirmed to the Inhabitants of this Colony by his illustrious Ancestors- and till of late fully recognized by him and entirely departing from the duties and Character of a good king- instead of Protecting is endeavoring to destroy
the good people of this Colony, and of all the united Colonies by sending Fleets and Armies to America to confiscate our Property and to spread Fire, Sword and Desolation throughout our Country in order to compel us to submit to the debasing and detestable Tyranny whereby we are obliged by necessity and it becomes our highest Duty to use every means with which God and Nature have furnished us, in support of our invaluable rights, & privileges to oppose that Power which is exerted only for our destruction.
Read the full copy here.
'AMERICA UNCANCELED': DeSantis Tells CPAC Days of 'Failed Republican Establishment' Are Over
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis addressed a crowd of conservative voters at CPAC Friday morning; saying the GOP cannot go back to the “days of the failed Republican establishment.”
“Florida is protecting our people from political censorship and holding Big Tech accountable. We will pass the most ambitious reforms ever proposed for combating political censorship and de-platforming,” said DeSantis.
“In Florida, we are not going to let the terms of the debate be set by oligarchs in Silicon Valley. We’re leading on the issues that matter to conservatives. We don’t spout hollow rhetoric, we take action. We cannot, we will not go back to the days of the failed Republican establishment,” he added.
Watch DeSantis at CPAC above.
'ANIMAL' RIGHTS: Southern Poverty Law Center SLAMS Trump’s MS-13 Remarks
The Southern Poverty Law Center slammed the Trump administration’s use of the term ‘animals’ when describing violent MS-13 gang members this week; saying it was “unacceptable” to use the “racist” and “dehumanizing language.”
The SPLC posted the complaint on social media just one day after the White House published an official report on the ‘Animals of MS-13’ on their official website, saying it was inappropriate to use the term ‘animal’ 10 times.
“It is unacceptable for such racist, dehumanizing language to now be repeated 10 times on the White House website in a document that speaks for America,” posted the SPLC.
It is unacceptable for such racist, dehumanizing language to now be repeated 10 times on the White House website in a document that speaks for America. pic.twitter.com/U5yfT33BX6
— Southern Poverty Law Center (@splcenter) May 21, 2018
The mainstream media went into a full-fledged frenzy last week after the President used the term to describe criminal gang members residing in US prisons; saying his administration will do “everything” it can to keep MS-13 out of the United States.