
NYC Candidate Sliwa: Beware the ‘Slow Creep of CRT’ into New York’s Public Schools

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.28.21

New York City Mayoral Candidate Curtis Sliwa sounded the alarm on Critical Race Theory this week; saying the toxic ideology has no place in New York City’s school system.

“I got three sons in public schools, all of whom should have been redshirted – as all children should have been redshirted because we stole an academic year from them in which they spent half the time playing Fortnite and Roblox instead of listening to instruction – if they even had a laptop,” he told Fox News Wednesday. “Instead of doing that and leaving everyone back and allowing them to progress academically, we’re talking about the problem [of] systemic racism.”

“Let’s face it. If the kid can’t read, if the child can’t write, if the child can’t function in a classroom atmosphere, how can [educators] anticipate creating a culturally diverse curriculum that is going to address that problem?” he said. “So it’s back to the basics. It’s what I was raised with. It’s what most Americans were raised with. It worked for our generations. Why are we changing it for this new generation, and in fact, handicapping them?”

“The problem in the classrooms of our public school system is not any bias that teachers have. It’s not systemic racism that is causing the classrooms to be unmanageable with young people who are not only truant but disruptive in the classroom,” he said. “It’s the children and the young adults who need sessions in behavioral management and how to behave in school because clearly, they’re not getting that at home.”

“That means we’re not focusing on reading, writing, arithmetic, and the most important is teaching our children respect to the administrators, safety officers and the other school personnel,” he said. “That’s where the problem is. And everybody wants to avoid it.”

Read the full report here.

SLIWA BLASTS DE BLASIO: ‘You’re a Police Hater! There is No Doubt About It!’

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.01.21

Guardian Angels founder and Republican candidate for Mayor of New York City Curtis Sliwa ripped Bill de Blasio in downtown Manhattan Thursday; saying the current leader of the nation’s biggest metropolis is a “police hater.”

“You now have almost a billion-dollar budget — more than most countries — and you still won’t re-fund the police!” Sliwa said.

“Which means you’re a police hater! There is no doubt about it.”

“The reality is we need more police, we need to hire more police. We need to take the handcuffs off the police and put it on the criminals.”

“We had a lot of different needs to bring the city back. We had to focus on jobs. We had to focus on schools … I think we really struck a balance,” said de Blasio at a press conference when asked about the funding.

Read the full report at the New York Post.

SLIWA on HANNITY: AOC is ‘All Out Crazy’, Nothing But a ‘Sanctimonious Hypocrite’ on Public Safety

posted by Hannity Staff - 6.29.21

New York Mayoral Candidate Curtis Sliwa ripped the city’s Democratic leadership on ‘Hannity’ Monday night where he slammed AOC, a.k.a All Out Crazy, for having armed security guards while denying public safety to average people.

“You have dedicated decades of your life to fighting crime… This city now, New Yorkers want to be safe, but are there enough of them?” asked Hannity.

“You’re right. AOC – All Out Crazy- who has armed security officers with her at all times. Just like the rest of her Democrat Socialists of America and Social Justice Warriors, who are all sanctimonious hypocrites. They deny public safety to average people by putting handcuffs on the police instead of the criminals!” said Sliwa.

“I never surrender. I never retreat. Last summer, when the looters took over the city streets, I was out there battling them with the Guardian Angels,” he added.

Watch Sliwa on ‘Hannity’ above.

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