
NOT A JOKE: Hillary Clinton to Speak at CYBER DEFENSE SUMMIT on Network Security

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.30.19

Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will be the keynote speaker at the FireEye Cyber Defense Summit this year; discussing network and digital security months after the FBI probed her use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State.

“We are pleased to announce that Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will be a featured keynote at our #FireEyeSummit in October! Secretary Clinton will engage in an intimate Q&A keynote discussion with Kevin Mandia,” posted the group’s social media account.

Clinton’s email probe was thrust again into the national spotlight last week when former Attorney General Loretta Lynch contradicted James Comey’s Congressional testimony regarding the investigation.

“So you do not believe you ever instructed him to call it a matter?” one lawmaker asked Lynch.

“I did not. I have never instructed a witness as to what to say specifically. Never have. Never will,” fired-back the former Attorney General.

Lynch’s comments directly refute Comey’s Congressional testimony.

QUESTION: And then you made a comment earlier about the Attorney General, previous AG [Lynch] asking you about the investigation on the Clinton emails, saying that you were asked not to call it an ‘Investigation’ anymore, but to call it a ‘Matter.’ And you said that confused you. Can you give us additional details on that?

COMEY: Well, it concerned me, because we were at the point where we refused to confirm the existence of an investigation –as we usually do– for months,. And it was getting to a place where that looked silly, because the campaigns were talking about interacting with the FBI in the course of our work.

The Clinton campaign at the time was using all kinds of euphemisms, ‘security review,’ ‘matter.’ Things like that.

For what was going on. We were getting to a place where the Attorney General and I were going to have to testify and talk publicly about it, and I wanted to know if she would authorize us to confirm we had an investigation. And she said yes, but don’t call it that, call it a ‘Matter.’ And I said why would I do that? And [Lynch] said just call it a ‘Matter.’

h/t Twitchy

BUCKLE UP: DOJ Inspector FINISHES REPORT on Hillary Email Scandal

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.17.18

The Inspector General at the Department of Justice is putting the finishing touches on his official report detailing the agency’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server; announcing officials will begin receiving the material as early as this week.

According to the Washington Post, Inspector General Michael Horowitz has reportedly wrapped up his probe into the FBI’s botched investigation into whether the former Secretary of State broke the law when mishandling classified information.

“The report is expected to blast former FBI director James B. Comey for various steps he took in the investigation, particularly his announcing in July — without telling his Justice Department bosses what he was about to say — that the FBI was recommending that Clinton not be charged, and for revealing to Congress just weeks before the presidential election that the bureau had resumed its work, people familiar with the matter said,” writes the Washington Post.

Horowitz began his investigation into Comey’s Hillary probe in January 2017, following new questions over the former bureau boss’s relationship with senior Obama officials and illegal leaking from inside the agency.

Read the full report here.

BUSTED: New Hillary Emails Show Clinton's 'Pay-to-Play' Scheme with Donors

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.07.17

Newly released emails between Hillary Clinton and top aide Huma Abedin appear to show the former Secretary of State’s mishandling of classified material as well as numerous examples of her “pay-to-play” schemes with top Clinton Foundation donors.

The emails, obtained by government watchdog group Judicial Watch, reveal private communications between Clinton, Abedin, and other senior staff; detailing several instances where the failed presidential nominee violated protocol –and possibly federal law- in mishandling classified material.

“Abedin tried to set up a secure call for Clinton with Dennis, but it didn’t connect, and Clinton said, ‘We’ve now tried twice to go secure and lost both calls.’ After Abedin tells her she had tested the secure line, Clinton says, ‘We finally gave up and talked in code nonsecure,'” said a statement from Judicial Watch.

Other emails show Hillary’s willingness to engage in pay-to-play schemes, with one prominent Clinton donor requesting a change of appointment for the US ambassador to the Dominican Republic.

“On April 12, 2009, Miguel Lausell, a Puerto Rican telecom executive who reportedly donated $1 million to the Clinton Presidential Library and was a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, made a request of Abedin through Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band to push for the appointment of someone to become U.S. ambassador to the Dominican Republic,” said the Watchdog agency.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton is calling for the Justice Department to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton; citing multiple examples of corruption, mishandling of top-secret intelligence, and pay-to-play schemes with foreign donors.

“These new emails show why the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct must be resumed,” said Fitton.

h/t Law Newz

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