Radical Senator Bernie Sanders demanded fellow Democrats pass Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending package this week; saying he has already “compromised” because he originally wanted $6 trillion in new entitlements.
“In order to address the long-neglected needs of the working class and combat the existential threat of climate change, we proposed a $6 trillion bill. $3.5 trillion is already a compromise,” posted Sanders on Twitter.
In order to address the long-neglected needs of the working class and combat the existential threat of climate change, we proposed a $6 trillion bill. $3.5 trillion is already a compromise. pic.twitter.com/dU6t3mrN1v
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) October 15, 2021
“It is totally unacceptable that we are the only major country on Earth not to guarantee healthcare to every man, woman and child as a human right. The result of that is we’ve got 90 million people today who are uninsured or underinsured,” said Sanders.
Sanders comments come as Joe Biden struggles to handle a series of economic crises that are sending costs higher for working Americans.
Biden’s approval ratings continue to plunge as the White House veers from crisis to crisis, with just 43% giving the Commander-in-Chief the thumbs-up according to an average compiled by Real Clear Politics.
The latest figures are:
- RCP Average 10/1 – 10/10– 43.0-52.5 -9.5
- Rasmussen Reports 10/6 – 10/10 41-58. -17
- Reuters/Ipsos 10/6 – 10/7. 48-47. +1
- Trafalgar Group (R) 10/4 – 10/6108. 40-56. -16
- Economist/YouGov 10/3 – 10/5 44-49. -5
- Politico/Morning Consult 10/2 – 10/4 45-52. -7
- Quinnipiac 10/1 – 10/4 40-53. -13
The data comes days after a Quinnipiac survey found just 38% back Mr. Biden.
Watch Sanders’ comments above.
ANOTHER FREEBIE? Bernie Sanders Vows to Provide ‘Year-Round, Free Universal School Meals’
Vermont Senator and 2020 presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders called for another federal program this week; saying the government should provide “year-round, free universal school meals” for every student in America.
“‘School lunch debt’ should not exist in the wealthiest country in the history of the world. When we are in the White House, we are going to provide year-round, free universal school meals,” posted Sanders on Instagram.
The school lunch program is the latest far-left proposal from Sanders, whose ‘Green New Deal’ would effectively nationalize upwards of 30% of the entire American economy.
“Atop our existing government spending, comprising some 40% of GDP, the Vermont Senator wouldn’t just nationalize one-fifth of the economy with a ‘Medicare For all’ bill eliminating private health insurance. Under his Green New Deal plan, he would also nationalize most of the energy sector,” reports the Washington Examiner.
“At a mere $16.3 trillion, the Sanders plan would go beyond simply spending measures to increase climate-focused research and development. It would literally centralize the means of domestic energy production,” adds the Examiner.
“What we need to do is have an aggressive federal government. You can’t nibble around the edges anymore. We need to transform our energy system, that means a massive increase in sustainable energy,” Sanders told MSNBC.
Sanders says "you can't nibble around the edges," proposes government takeover of energy productionhttps://t.co/vvi6qWBsKy pic.twitter.com/0oinlenWbR
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 23, 2019
“Climate change is a global emergency. The Amazon rainforest is burning, Greenland’s ice shelf is melting, and the Arctic is on fire. People across the country and the world are already experiencing the deadly consequences of our climate crisis, as extreme weather events like heat waves, wildfires, droughts, floods, and hurricanes upend entire communities, ecosystems, economies, and ways of life, as well as endanger millions of lives. Communities of color, working class people, and the global poor have borne and will bear this burden disproportionately,” writes Sanders.
AMERICA RESPONDS: AOC Describes Coronavirus Relief Vote as ‘Literally a Hostage Situation’
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez described Friday’s vote on the Coronavirus relief plan as a “hostage situation,” calling the legislation a gift to America’s biggest corporations and wealthiest residents.
“Each one of us takes this vote alone. This is not an easy position for anyone to take. It’s a tough position, because it’s literally a hostage situation,” said Ocasio-Cortez.
AOC, who is critical of the stimulus, said this when I asked if she was disappointed by Bernie Sanders' position in support: "Each one of us takes this vote alone. This is not an easy position for anyone to take. It’s a tough position, because it's literally a hostage situation”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 27, 2020
Ocasio-Cortez doubled-down on her fierce opposition to the Senate’s bipartisan Coronavirus relief package Friday; calling the legislation “shameful” and “crumbs” for American families.
“Our community’s reality is this country’s future if we don’t do anything. Hospital workers do not have protective equipment. We don’t have the necessary ventilators. We have to go into this vote eyes wide open,” said Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on the House Floor.
.@RepAOC @AOC: "Our community's reality is this country's future if we don't do anything. Hospital workers do not have protective equipment. We don't have the necessary ventilators. We have to go into this vote eyes wide open…" pic.twitter.com/PaFGc9ncKM
— CSPAN (@cspan) March 27, 2020
“Shameful! The greed of that fight is wrong, for crumbs for our families, and the option that we have is to let them suffer with nothing or to allow this greed and billions of dollars which will be leveraged into trillions of dollars!” she screamed.
Watch Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’ comments above.