

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.16.18

The number of Americans receiving food assistance from the US government dropped by over two million people during President Trump’s first year in office; the direct result of a booming economy and low unemployment following the GOP-sponsored tax cuts.

According to the Daily Caller, roughly 42.2 million Americans were enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) program throughout 2017; an eleven percent drop from 2013 following President Obama’s second inauguration.

“Federal spending for SNAP totaled $68.0 billion or 4 percent less than in the previous fiscal year” writes the Caller. “This was also 15 percent less than the historical high of $79.9 billion set in FY 2013.”

The positive economic data echoes similar statistics published earlier this week, with consumer confidence soaring to its highest levels in over a decade.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the consumer-sentiment index reached 102 in March; the highest level seen since 2004. Data also shows the index inching up in February as well, reaching an already-healthy score of 99.7.

“Consumers continued to adjust their expectations in reaction to new economic policies,” said Richard Curtin, the study’s senior economist.


posted by Hannity Staff - 1.25.18

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s doom-and-gloom predictions following the GOP tax cuts continued to crash and burn this week, with home-improvement giant Home Depot announcing their plans to pay out big bucks to their hourly employees.

The construction and hardware chain unveiled the new plan Thursday, pledging to dish-out $1,000 bonuses to US-based workers in the wake of the recently passed Republican tax legislation.

According to CNBC, the company structured its new payment scheme on fellow superstore Walmart; determining the size of the bonus by the employee’s “length of service.”

Based on the new plan, all of Home Depot’s American workers will receive $200, going up to $1,000 for individuals who’ve been with the company for two decades.

“This incremental investment in our associates was made possible by the new tax reform bill,” Chief Executive Officer Craig Menear said in a statement. “We are pleased to be able to provide this additional reward to our associates.”

Home Depot becomes the latest American corporation -joining Walmart, Visa, American Airlines, AT&T, Apple, and others- to raise wages, expand benefits, and pay-out big bonuses following the GOP-led tax cuts.

NANCY’S NIGHTMARE: Pelosi HECKLED at Town Hall, Asked ‘How Much She’s Worth’

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.20.18

Nancy Pelosi’s town hall event didn’t go according to plan Tuesday, with one unhappy constituent asking the House Minority Leader “how much she’s worth” after she slammed the recently passed GOP tax cuts.

Pelosi was quoting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. when the unidentified woman launched her attack; saying the former Speaker was worth “hundreds of millions” while pretending to work on behalf of average Americans.

“As Martin Luther King said, God never intended for one group of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth while others live in abject, deadening poverty. So, these are kitchen table issues for most American families,” said Nancy.

“How much are you worth Nancy? How much are you worth!?” shouted the woman. “You’re worth hundreds of millions of dollars!”

Watch Pelosi’s town hall disaster above.

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