
BUSTED! Pelosi Goes Mask-Free at White House Event Hours After Imposing Strict Rules for Congress

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.23.21

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi confused millions of Americans this week; attending a crowded White House event without her face-mask just hours after accusing mask-less Republicans of turning Congress into a COVID “Petri Dish.”

“A maskless House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., mingled indoors at a White House event Thursday while still enforcing coronavirus mask mandates on the House floor that amount to $500 fines,” reports Fox News.

“This is the definition of hypocrisy,” Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., told “Fox and Friends” on Friday.


“Leadership 101 at West Point for me 35 years ago, the first thing they teach you is you never ask people to do something you as the leader aren’t willing to do,” Green said. “And here she is in the House at the speaker’s rostrum, not wearing a mask. She goes to the White House, not wearing a mask.”

“The Speaker was required to attest to her vaccination status and required to submit a negative test result in order to attend this event,” Drew Hammill, spokesperson for Pelosi, told Fox News.

Read the full report at Fox News.

'ROUTINE ERROR': 6,700 North Carolina Residents ‘Incorrectly Told They Have Coronavirus’ via Text

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.16.20

Nearly 7,000 residents in North Carolina were told via text message last week that they tested positive for the Coronavirus despite not actually having contracted the disease.

“More than 6,700 individuals in Mecklenburg County in North Carolina were told in a text message sent from Mecklenburg County Health Department on Friday that they tested positive for COVID-19 and over 500 people were told through a county email that they were also infected with the novel coronavirus. But the results were incorrect due to a technical error by Health Space, the company they use for contact tracing, according to a statement on the county’s website,” reports Fox News.

“An error during routine maintenance last Friday resulted in a county data vendor sending erroneous texts and email messages to people saying they were positive for COVID-19,” the statement on the county website said.

“Very quickly we began to work with the vendor to understand the issue and make sure that it did not continue. Once corrected we were told that 6,727 text messages and 541 emails were sent to individuals who were already in their system. We then worked with the vendor to send a corrected text/email to all that received the erroneous one,” the email stated in part.

Read the full report here.

'SICKENING': Backlash Grows Against Denver Democrat Who Supported Spreading Coronavirus at MAGA Rallies

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.03.20

Denver’s Democratic Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is facing a growing backlash on social media this week after calling for those sick with the deadly Coronavirus to intentionally spread the disease at ‘Make America Great Again’ rallies.

“Democrat Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca says that she stands in ‘solidarity’ with someone who says that they if they get the coronavirus that they will attend as many Trump rallies as possible She appears to have made the statement on her government Twitter account,” posted a reporter with the Daily Wire.


“These people are sick,” posted Donald Trump Jr.

“This elected Democrat in Colorado doesn’t seem very nice!” the Trump campaign War Room Twitter account posted in response.

Read the full report here.

Source: Fox News

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