
MIDTERM MOMENTUM? Survey Says REPUBLICANS More Likely to Vote in 2018

posted by Hannity Staff - 6.25.18

A new poll conducted by CBS News continued to throw more cold water on the potential “blue wave” this week, with the data showing more GOP supporters are likely to vote than Democrats in the 2018 midterms.

According to the survey, 63% of Republicans say they’re “definitely” heading to the polls during this fall’s highly-contested election, compared to just 58% of Democrats who were asked the same question.


“Latest CBS/YouGov tracking poll — 63% of Republicans say they’re ‘definitely’ going to vote in the midterms. Just 58% of Democrats say the same,” posted one analyst.

The surprising statistics raise serious questions over the Democrats’ prospects of retaking the House of Representatives this November, when liberal legislators need to flip 23 congressional seats to regain control.

BLUE WAVE CRASHING: Polls Show Democrat Advantage 'CUT IN HALF'

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.18.18

As President Trump’s approval rating continues to rise after a string of economic and diplomatic successes, Democrats are seeing their midterm advantage shrinking as both parties set their sights on the 2018 elections.

A surprising new poll shows the generic Democratic advantage shrinking to just six points over generic Republicans; the lowest level seen since President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017.

“In the past six months, the generic congressional ballot has been cut in half, from a Democrat lead of roughly 13% in December to about 6% now. While still behind, Republicans are closing the gap, suggesting 2018 may not be the ‘blue wave’ many expect,” writers USA Today.

The stunning survey comes on the heels of a Rasmussen poll that showed President Trump hovering at 50% approval despite months of negative covering surrounding the never-ending Mueller probe.

Read the full story here.

BLUE WAVE CRASHING: Poll Shows Americans Side with TRUMP on Economy, Security

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.14.18

The mainstream media’s highly-anticipated “blue wave” is turning into a potential “red tide” ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, with new polls showing Americans overwhelmingly side with the President on the economy and national security.

A new survey published by Zogby Analytics shows likely voters “trust” the White House on key issues facing American families just months before voters head to the polls to decide the fate of Congress.

When asked “Who do you Trust more?” on handling economic issues, 41% of those asked said the President, compared to 35% who said the Democrats.

Trump also topped liberal lawmakers 40% to 38% when asked about national security.

“Could Trump prove to be the difference maker for Republicans in 2018? The data does point in this direction but the election is still six months out. Now Republican congressional candidates must decide if they want President Trump to blaze the campaign trail for them. That could prove to be wise at the moment,” said the poll.

h/t Washington Examiner

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