Sen. Elizabeth Warren joined liberal superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ scathing critique of free market capitalism this week, telling reporters that “without rules” capitalism can lead to poor people “eating dirt.”
Warren was speaking with MSNBC Thursday when she was asked to weigh-in on recent comments by fellow liberal candidates that openly attacked capitalism despite record setting growth and a booming US jobs market.
“I believe in markets right down to my toes, but I also believe markets have to have rules otherwise the rich and powerful suck up the value and everybody else ends up eating dirt,” said Warren.
Watch the Senator’s comments above.
WARREN BACKTRACKS: The Liberal Senator Says 2016 Primary 'Was Fair'
Liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren backtracked on previous comments she made accusing Hillary Clinton of “rigging” the 2016 Democratic primary; telling a local news station there was “some bias” in the election but it was mostly “fair.”
Warren was speaking with when she was pressed on her previous statements over Donna Brazile’s tell-all book, where the former DNC chief claims Hillary Clinton “secretly stole” control of the party nearly a year before she was officially the nominee.
“I agree with what Donna Brazile has said over the last few days; that while there was some bias at the DNC, the overall 2016 primary process was fair and Hillary made history,” said the Senator.
“[Tuesday] night’s election results across the country, including in Massachusetts, showed us that Republicans had money and power,” she deflected. “But, Democrats had our voices and our votes, and we used them. People from every corner of the Democratic Party won and that’s a win, not just for Democrats but for democracy.”
Warren’s comments are in stark contrast to her words from just days ago, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper she believed the 2016 election was “rigged” by the Clinton campaign and was effectively stolen from Bernie Sanders.
WARREN EXPLODES: Sen. Warren Says Trump Ripping Babies ‘From their Mamas’
Firebrand Senator Elizabeth Warren deflected President Trump’s DNA challenge Thursday, slamming the Commander-in-Chief for “destroying lives” and ripping babies “from their mamas.”
The liberal legislator attacked the President on social media hours after Trump jokingly offered the lawmaker $1 million to take a DNA test to prove her Native American ancestry; a challenge she immediately denied.
“Hey, @realDonaldTrump: While you obsess over my genes, your Admin is conducting DNA tests on little kids because you ripped them from their mamas & you are too incompetent to reunite them in time to meet a court order. Maybe you should focus on fixing the lives you’re destroying,” she tweeted.
Hey, @realDonaldTrump: While you obsess over my genes, your Admin is conducting DNA tests on little kids because you ripped them from their mamas & you are too incompetent to reunite them in time to meet a court order. Maybe you should focus on fixing the lives you're destroying.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) July 5, 2018
Warren’s harsh rhetoric comes after the President doubled-down on his DNA challenge earlier this week, jokingly telling a crowd of supporters ‘I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you’re an Indian.”