Venezuela’s starving citizens continued their struggle to survive under the socialist regime’s total failure to stem the financial crisis this week; marking roughly 20 years since Hugo Chavez’ rise to power in the once-rich nation.
“On 6 December 1998, Hugo Chávez proclaimed a new dawn of social justice and people power. ‘Venezuela’s resurrection is under way and nothing and nobody can stop it,’” writes the Guardian. “Two decades on, those dreams are in tatters.”
“The comandante is dead and his revolution in intensive care as economic, political and social chaos engulf what was once one of Latin America’s most prosperous societies. Almost 10% of Venezuela’s 31 million-strong population have fled overseas; of those who remain, nearly 90% live in poverty,” adds the author.
Stunning statistics released earlier this year show approximately 80% of Venezuelans struggle to find food on a daily basis; with two million citizens leaving the country since the collapse began in 2016.
Read the full story at the Guardian.
PARADISE LOST: Inflation Nears 1,000,000% in Venezuela, Eggs Cost 2 WEEKS PAY
The economic crisis engulfing Venezuela reached new heights this week, with the nation’s currency seeing inflation rates nearing 1,000,000% as the socialist government struggles to contain the economic collapse.
According to the Washington Post, the Venezuelan Bolivar plunged in foreign exchange rates as the price of a dozen eggs reached 2,600,000 Bolivares in local supermarkets and shops.
“This week, for instance, the price of a dozen eggs topped 2.6 million bolívares — equal to two weeks’ pay at the minimum wage. But for a Venezuelan who can exchange dollars at the black market rate, those same eggs are a relative bargain, costing only 60 cents,” writes the Post.
“I never feel clean anymore,” said one citizen. “We’re hungry most of the time. I don’t think things will get better.”
Just this week, socialist president Nicolas Maduro admitted his government’s economic policies have totally “failed,” vowing to implement new guidelines to stabilize the crumbling currency.
Read the full report here.
PARADISE LOST: Venezuela Cuts PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY as Resources Dwindle
Venezuela’s crumbling economy and crippling resource shortages reached new heights this week, with the socialist government “cutting” water supplies as the country’s currency crisis soared to over 1,000,000% inflation.
According to Reuters, the nation’s hospitals, hotels, and apartment complexes have started closing shower facilities, public water taps, and sanitation equipment as residents struggle to find adequate food and drinkable water.
“I have gone to the operation bloc and opened the tap to wash my hands, as you must do before a surgery, and nothing comes out,” said one doctor.
“Water cuts are the latest addition to a long list of woes for Venezuelans hurting from a fifth year of an economic crisis that has sparked malnutrition, hyperinflation and emigration,” writes Reuters.
“For many years this deterioration process was not noticeable. But now the water transport systems are very damaged,” said an industry insider responsible for the capital’s water supply.
Read the full story here.