
JUDGMENT DAY: Kavanaugh, Ford to Testify Before Congress Thursday

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.27.18

Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Ford are set to testify Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee; setting the stage for a high-stakes showdown as last-minute revelations surprised Congressional leaders.

According to Fox News, 11th hour revelations threw Thursday’s hearings into crisis mode; with one potential accuser surfacing Wednesday evening and one individual coming-forward claiming Dr. Ford may have confused Kavanaugh for himself.

“The proceedings may be upended by late-breaking developments: In a statement released Wednesday evening, Judiciary Committee Republicans revealed that on Monday, they conducted their ‘first interview with a man who believes he, not Judge Kavanaugh, had the encounter with Dr. Ford in 1982 that is the basis of his [sic] complaint.’ They conducted a second interview the next day,” writes Fox.

The hearings come days after Sen. Dianne Feinstein upended Kavanaugh’s confirmation process; abruptly revealing she had sent a letter to the FBI containing allegations of sexual misconduct during the judge’s time in high school.

Read the full report at Fox News.

GRASSLEY: Kavanaugh Hearings Will be CANCELED if Accuser Fails to Show Up

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.18.18

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley drew a line in the sand regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual misconduct hearings Tuesday, saying he plans to cancel the entire event should his accuser fail to “show up.”

Grassley was speaking with Hugh Hewitt Tuesday when he confirmed his office has reached out to Christine Blasey Ford “three or four times” in the last 36 hours but have so far failed to hear from her  or her attorney.

“We have reached out to her in the last 36 hours three or four times by email and we have not heard from them, and it kind of raises the question, do they want to come to the public hearing or not?” said Grassley.

“What would be the purpose of the hearing if Dr. Ford doesn’t want to respond?” he asked.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell echoed Grassley’s comments Tuesday, saying “Monday is her opportunity” to address Congressional leaders.

Read the full story at Fox News.

GRASSLEY SPEAKS: Senate Judiciary Chairman Releases Kavanaugh Statement

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.17.18

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley released a statement regarding President Trump’s pick to join the Supreme Court Monday afternoon; saying Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser “deserves to be heard” in an “appropriate manner.”

Grassley officially commented on the growing controversy just days after Sen. Dianne Feinstein disclosed a letter sent to the FBI that contained allegations of sexual misconduct when Kavanaugh attended high school approximately 35 years ago.

“Anyone who comes forward as Dr. Ford has deserves to be heard, so I will continue working on a way to hear her out in an appropriate, precedented and respectful manner,” said the statement from Grassley’s office.

The Senator added the Judiciary Committee will be “working diligently to get to the bottom of these claims.”

“The standard procedure for updates to any nominee’s background investigation file is to conduct separate follow-up calls with relevant parties,” said the statement.

Read the full report at the Hill.

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