North Korea

IT’S OVER: North and South Korea PLEDGE to END Korean War

posted by Hannity Staff - 4.27.18

The leaders of North and South Korea held a historic summit Friday, with the rulers of each nation pledging to completely “denuclearize” the Korean peninsula and formally end the 68-year-long Korean War.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in met North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un at the de-militarized zone between the two warring nations this week; with both leaders crossing the border into the other’s country in an unprecedented display of unity.

“Seeing Kim Jong Un live, chatting easily with their president, will no doubt have been jolt to South Koreans and remind them that the North Koreans are the same people in many ways, in language and shared history if not their political or economic structure,” said a North Korean security expert.

The framework for an official peace treaty remains unclear and must also be signed by representatives from China and the United States, two nations who were also parties in the decades long conflict.

President Trump hailed the historic meeting early Friday morning, saying the United States and its people should be “very proud” of the breakthrough.

PEACE IN KOREA: North and South Korea INSTALL HISTORIC Hotline Between Leaders

posted by Hannity Staff - 4.20.18

North and South Korea have opened a historic hotline directly linking the two leaders ahead of next week’s high-stakes summit; potentially clearing a path towards the official end of the 68-year long Korean War.

According to Fox News, the hotline is a direct link between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un; a major step towards de-escalating tensions in the region following North Korea’s multiple nuclear and missile tests.

“The historic direct telephone line between the leaders of the South and North was connected a short while ago,” confirmed South Korean officials.

“The test call went on for 4 minutes and 19 seconds starting at 3:41 p.m. with (officials from) both sides speaking to each other … The connection was smooth and the voice quality was very good. It was like calling next door,” he said.

Military experts say the hotline is reminiscent of the private links between Moscow and Washington during the Cold War, when each leader had a direct method of contacting each other in the event of a potential nuclear strike.

PEACE IN KOREA: North and South Korean Leaders to Meet at DMZ Friday

posted by Hannity Staff - 4.26.18

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un will meet this week for the first time in more than 10 years; sparking speculation the two leaders are poised to announce the official end of the 68 year-long Korean War.

According to Reuters, delegations from the two warring nations plan to hold high-level talks at the heavily fortified de-militarized zone that separates North and South Korea, where a ‘South Korean Honor Guard’ will escort officials to a welcome ceremony at the border city of Panmunjom.

“This summit will focus more on denuclearisation and securing of permanent peace than anything else,” said Moon’s chief of staff. “I feel North Korea is sending their key military officials to the summit as they too, believe denuclearisation and peace are important.”

The North Korean despot will be accompanied by his sister, a widely popular figure in the South following her highly-praised publicity tour during the 2018 Winter Olympics.

Earlier this month, President Trump gave his “blessings” for the two countries to meet and discuss an end to the Korean War; setting the stage for Trump’s high-stakes meeting with Kim Jong Un in the coming weeks.

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