Hannity Watch

HIGH SCHOOL HORROR SHOW! The Left Running Roughshod at Keystone State School! Active Shooters, Sexual Assaults, X-Rated Films, and Suspensions for Prayer!

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.30.23

Everything they tell you that isn’t happening is happening.

Council Rock School District in Newton, Pennsylvania is in the crosshairs of conservatives everywhere as it’s becoming abundantly clear they are pushing a far-left agenda while burying egregious crimes and explicit material that would send any parent into rage.

The Sean Hannity Show has been contacted by multiple parents who are concerned with how their kids are being treated —and how some coaches are being treated.

Ray and Mason Jones, a father-son coaching team who are well-respected and known in the community, are facing disciplinary action for swearing and praying on the field.

And let’s be honest —it’s for praying on the field.

The prayer was voluntary and appreciated by all who participated. And let’s not forget the landmark Supreme Court Case of High School coach Joseph Kennedy who fought for the right to pray on the field —and won!

Meanwhile, while Superintendent Andrew J. Sanko and Principal Jason Traczykiewicz are cracking down on a right the Supreme Court just made clear we have, their district is a mess and host to some crimes and content that are unacceptable in Council Rock or any school.

Back in March, Bucks County teacher Steven Allan Struzinski, 42, of Plumstead Township, was charged with criminal attempt to commit involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and criminal attempt to commit unlawful contact with a minor.

Sex crimes on Traczykiewicz and Sanko’s watch.

Last September, another shocking incident; a juvenile fired a weapon at a school bus at Council Rock North High School. No one was injured, thank goodness, but it’s another example of the lunatics running the asylum.

An active shooter on Traczykiewicz and Sanko’s watch.

And were you aware that “Life 101” has nothing to do with living and breathing, evolution or ethics? Not in the Council Rock School District! In CRSD, “Life 101” is a course that used to be called Accelerated Studies in Sexuality! See how they rebranded it so parents wouldn’t flip out? We are told by parents that a meeting was called to discuss this class, and little to nothing was shared or clarified, with questions discouraged. Why? Isn’t a school a place for open discourse?

Here’s what “Life 101” means to Traczykiewicz and Sanko. Our comments IN BOLD.

Within a supervised educational setting (supervised by who?!), this senior seminar has been developed (developed by who?) to enable mature twelfth grade students to discuss current trends and difficulties within human relationships (AKA “Sex”). This course encourages students to explore issues and attitudes in all areas of their lives (intentionally vague). Throughout the course, there is critical exploration of various social issues in human sexuality (exploding the traditional gender binary). These sensitive topics may include teenage pregnancy, sexual assault (which a perverted teacher nearly carried out), sexually transmitted infections (including HIV/AIDS Education), sexual orientation, contraception, and abstinence (yeah right)education. Students are encouraged to examine the multicultural, heterogeneous expression of values around these topics (again, intentionally vague). The course also helps students integrate knowledge of self and others with better communication skills, increased ability to manage conflict, and increased insight in making decisions. Community resources, including speakers who are familiar with issues through their own experiences, are utilized to enhance learning and develop awareness of the complexity of the issues. Because of the sensitive topics explored, parental permission is required to schedule this course (because we use X-rated material but won’t explicitly tell you what it is).

Sexually explicit material in school on Traczykiewicz and Sanko’s watch.

The Sean Hannity Show reached out to the Council Rock School district for comment with regard to the events with the coaches, and we received the following response:

“Council Rock School District is not at liberty to comment on this or any other personnel matter.”

We also reached out to Coach Jones and have not received a response.

We’re sounding the alarm on the dangerous progressive policies being championed in the Council Rock School District —policies that have resulted in sexual predators, sexually explicit instruction, and active shooters.

And the prohibition of prayer AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION for Coaches Ray and Mason Jones.

If this is the Liberal paradise, get us out of here.

If you or anyone you know has information or a personal story about the damaging policies of the Council Rock School District, please contact The Sean Hannity Show.

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