
HANNITY EXCLUSIVE! Cohen Counsel Letter from 2018 BLOWS UP Bragg's Case, Clears Trump [READ IT]

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.22.23

A resurfaced highly classified letter from Stephen M. Ryan, counsel for Michael Cohen, to Jeff Jordan, the Assistant General Counsel at the Complaints Examination & Legal Administration for the Federal Election Commission, reveals ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen paid Stephanie Clifford, AKA Stormy Daniels, from his personal funds; “neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was party.”

The letter is dated February 8, 2018.

Excerpts from the letter below:

In a private transaction in 2016, before the U.S. presidential election, Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment directly or indirectly. 

Contrary to the allegations in the complaint, which are entirely speculative, neither Mr. Cohen nor Essential Consultants LLC made any in-kind contributions to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., or any other presidential campaign committee. Mr. Cohen has not been a government employee during any of the relevant time period. The payment in question does not constitute a campaign contribution or expenditure and, therefore, the FEC lacks jurisdiction over this matter. The complainants have not and cannot present any evidence to the contrary. Accordingly, the
complaint should be dismissed.

How will Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg respond to this resurfaced document? Time will tell.

Read the full letter here: COHEN-JORDAN-FEC-2018-STORMY-DANIELS

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