
GREAT AGAIN: Youth Unemployment Rate in America LOWEST Since 1966

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.17.18

The number of young Americans entering the work force continues to soar under President Trump, with the official unemployment rate for the country’s youths hitting the lowest levels seen in over 52 years.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the unemployment rate for Americans between 16 and 24 years old looking for work was just 9.2% as of July 2018; the lowest levels seen since July 1966.

“Of Americans between 16 and 24 years old actively looking for work this summer, 9.2% were unemployed in July, the Labor Department said Thursday, a drop from the 9.6% youth unemployment rate in July 2017. It was the lowest midsummer joblessness rate for youth since July 1966,” writes the WSJ.

“Similarly, the unemployment rate among older Americans who don’t have a high-school diploma fell to a record low this year. The jobless rate also fell sharply for those who completed high school but never attended college. Among racial groups, the unemployment rate for Latinos fell to 4.5% in July, the lowest rate on records back to the 1970s,” adds the site.

Read the full report at the WSJ.

GREAT AGAIN: $2 TRILLION Added to US Economy Under President Trump

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.14.17

The United States Stock Market has added over $2 trillion to the American economy since President Trump won the 2016 presidential election; smashing expectations and further signaling a robust recovery following years of stagnant growth under Barack Obama.

According to CNBC, the S&P 500 stock index grew by $2.04 trillion since Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton last November; soaring after the election on renewed hopes of significant tax reform and the reduction of burdensome regulations imposed by Trump’s predecessor.

The largest gains were seen in information technology, financial services, healthcare, and materials.

President Trump now sets his sights on reforming the nation’s complicated and outdated tax code, a key campaign promise to deliver tax relief to millions of American families and businesses.

“People are in wait-and-see mode in terms of tax reform. We get a bit of a pop every time it gets mentioned, but I think the market is in a bit of disbelief,” said one market strategist.

Analysts also credit President Trump’s pledge to rebuild the American military with the massive rise in stocks associated with Defense contracts, reporting some businesses have seen growth of 30% since the US election last fall.

GREAT AGAIN: American Jobless Claims PLUMMET to 45 YEAR LOW

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.08.18

The US economy continues to soar under President Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress, with jobless claims dropping to just 221,000 in the first days of February; the lowest figures seen since March of 1973.

The 45-year-low signals the American recovery is in full-swing following years of low GDP growth and stagnant wages. Economists cite the recent gains as a direct result of a strong job growth and the President’s recently signed overhaul of the nation’s overly complicated tax system.

According to MarketWatch, the stunning numbers are a result of “big declines” in unemployment claims in Missouri, California, and New York; a result of 200,000 new private payroll jobs in January and an unemployment rate hovering at just 4.1%.

“Even better, the long-awaited uptick in worker wages might be in the offing. The yearly increase in hourly pay rose to a nine-year high of 2.9%,” MarketWatch adds.

The rosy economic outlook comes as major American corporations -such as AT&T, Walmart, Disney, Starbucks, American Airlines, Home Depot, FedEx, UPS, Visa, and others- announced their plans to raise wages, expand benefits, and pay out big bonuses in the wake of the GOP-led tax cuts late last-year.

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