
GRAHAM SPEAKS: The Senator Weighs-in on Latest Accusation Against Brett Kavanaugh

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.26.18

Sen. Lindsey Graham released a public statement Wednesday afternoon regarding the latest accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh; saying the last-minute revelation “has just taken this debacle to an even lower level.”

Graham’s comments come just hours after Michael Avenatti released the name and allegations from his newest client; claiming Kavanaugh and his friends routinely engaged in sexual assaults during high school parties in the early 1980s.

“Judge Kavanaugh has just emphatically denied the recent allegation being levied by Michael Avenatti and his client. He says he does not know the woman in question and emphatically denies the accusations. I would remind everyone that dozens of women who knew Judge Kavanaugh during the time period in question completely vouch for his good character,” writes Sen. Graham.

“From my view, just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it just did. The lawyer to porn stars has just taken this debacle to an even lower level. I hope people will be highly suspicious of this allegation presented by Michael Avenatti,” he adds.

Read Graham’s full statement below:

“Judge Kavanaugh has just emphatically denied the recent allegation being levied by Michael Avenatti and his client. He says he does not know the woman in question and emphatically denies the accusations. I would remind everyone that dozens of women who knew Judge Kavanaugh during the time period in question completely vouch for his good character.

“Mr. Avenatti first tweeted Sunday night that he had new and explosive information, and he was immediately contacted by the Senate Judiciary Committee to provide information. He has chosen to release these claims the day before Mrs. Ford’s hearing and two days before a vote.

“From my view, just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it just did. The lawyer to porn stars has just taken this debacle to an even lower level. I hope people will be highly suspicious of this allegation presented by Michael Avenatti.

“I have a difficult time believing any person would continue to go to – according to the affidavit – ten parties over a two-year period where women were routinely gang raped and not report it.  I also find it curious these charges were not brought forward until 2018, two days before a confirmation vote. 

“Why would any reasonable person continue to hang around people like this?  Why would any person continue to put their friends and themselves in danger? Isn’t there some duty to warn others? 

“This is outrageous, internally inconsistent, and I hope the U.S. Senate will see this for the smear campaign that it is.

“It is outrageous to suggest that Brett Kavanaugh at any time in his life behaved this way. His life is inconsistent with any of these allegations. All women who have worked with and for Brett Kavanaugh when he was in a position of power have nothing but glowing things to say about the way he has conducted himself. 

“This is a decent man who has lived an honorable life and is being smeared by the likes of Michael Avenatti.

“I very much believe in allowing people to be heard. But I am not going to be played, and I’m not going to have my intelligence insulted by the Michael Avenattis of the world. I will not be a participant in wholesale character assassination that defies credibility.

“If Republicans bail out on this good man because of the smears and character assassination perpetrated by Michael Avenatti, we deserve our fate.”

GRAHAM ON HANNITY: Democrats Have 'NO BOUNDARIES' in 'Destroying' Donald Trump

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.25.18

Sen. Lindsey Graham stopped by ‘Hannity’ Monday night to weigh-in on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process; saying “there are no boundaries” when it comes to opposing President Trump and his agenda.

“For [Democrats] to complain about the process is like an arsonist complaining about a fire. The allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are collapsing. This has been the worst low point in the Senate for me and that is saying a lot,” Graham said.

“I never thought it would get this bad. We are going to have a hearing Thursday and have a vote soon thereafter. And I look forward to supporting this good man,” the Senator added. “The takeaway for me, Sean, is that when it comes to Donald Trump, there are no boundaries, there are no rules. Whatever you need to do to destroy him or his agenda is okay.”

UPDATE: Kavanaugh Accuser Demands FBI Investigation Before She Testifies

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.19.18

The confirmation process of President Trump’s pick to join the US Supreme Court took a dramatic turn Tuesday evening, when Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser requested a complete investigation by the FBI before speaking with Congressional leaders.

According to the Associated Press, the lawyer for Christine Blasey Ford confirmed the professor would likely not attend Monday’s scheduled hearing surrounding her allegations of sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh approximately 36 years ago.

An FBI probe “should be the first step in addressing the allegations,” said Ford’s attorney.

GOP Senator Bob Corker pushed back against the request, saying “If we don’t hear from both sides on Monday, let’s vote.”

“It is imperative the Judiciary committee move forward on the Kavanaugh nomination and a committee vote be taken ASAP,” added Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Read the full story at Fox News.

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