Sen. Lindsey Graham stopped-by ‘Hannity’ Tuesday night to weigh-in on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s stalled confirmation process; saying the only “antidote” to the left’s all-out attack is to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
“Whether you’re a Trump Republican, a libertarian, vegetarian, Romney Republican… You’re mad as hell because we’re all united that this is unfair. What they’re doing to this good man cannot stand,” said Graham.
“The only way Kavanaugh stays destroyed is if we buy into this crap. Putting him on the court is the only antidote, the only just thing,” added the GOP leader. “My beef is with the Democratic Party who betrayed Dr. Ford’s trust.”
GRAHAM ON HANNITY: Democrats Have 'NO BOUNDARIES' in 'Destroying' Donald Trump
Sen. Lindsey Graham stopped by ‘Hannity’ Monday night to weigh-in on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process; saying “there are no boundaries” when it comes to opposing President Trump and his agenda.
“For [Democrats] to complain about the process is like an arsonist complaining about a fire. The allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are collapsing. This has been the worst low point in the Senate for me and that is saying a lot,” Graham said.
“I never thought it would get this bad. We are going to have a hearing Thursday and have a vote soon thereafter. And I look forward to supporting this good man,” the Senator added. “The takeaway for me, Sean, is that when it comes to Donald Trump, there are no boundaries, there are no rules. Whatever you need to do to destroy him or his agenda is okay.”
GRAHAM ON HANNITY: Democrats Should be ‘ASHAMED’ of Kavanaugh Hearings
Sen. Lindsey Graham stopped by ‘Hannity’ Thursday night to weigh-in on his powerful remarks before the Senate Judiciary Committee; saying he simply “told the truth” and Democratic lawmakers should be “ashamed’ of the hearing.
“I just told the truth. This is not about finding the truth between Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, it’s about delaying the hearing to get past the midterms,” said Graham.
“If we legitimize this, God help us all, because both sides can do this. To my friends on the other side: I would never have done this to one of your nominees. You should be ashamed… When Donald Trump wins, there are no rules, there are no boundaries,” he added.
Watch Sen. Graham’s remarks on ‘Hannity’ above.