
GANGLAND: Cops Make ZERO ARRESTS After 70 People Shot Throughout Chicago

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.08.18

Police in Chicago failed to make a single arrest following this weekend’s shooting spree that terrified neighborhoods across the city; urging local residents to come forward with any information that could help investigators.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Windy City’s top law enforcement officials came under fire from residents after the police failed to arrest a single suspect behind the recent spike in violence.

“The police said that the shootings mostly took place in four areas with high crime and high levels of gang activity, and that investigators are looking at whether they were retaliatory in nature. Some of the attacks were made on foot, others from cars, and some were met with return fire. But many of the victims were clearly not the intended targets, the police said,” writes the New York Times.

“We need everyone, especially our judicial partners, to start making repeat gun offenders feel consequences for their actions,” said Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson. “We need everyone to come to the table with less talk, but more action.”

Read the full story at the NY Times.

GANGLAND: Chicago Activists Demand RAHM EMANUEL’S RESIGNATION as Violence Swirls

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.31.18

Chicago’s anti-violence activists are calling for the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel ahead of this week’s citywide demonstrations; saying the liberal leader isn’t doing enough to stem the spike in violence and murder.

According to Fox News, organizers behind Thursday’s march are urging Emanuel to step-down as gun crime and gang warfare run rampant throughout Chicago’s neighborhoods.

“The call of the people is ‘Resign Rahm,’” said one local reverend. “So how, then, can you back your own regime change? How do you sanction your own termination? How dumb, naive and self-hating do you think we are?”

“Honestly, when the mayor endorses a protest, it’s no longer a protest,” said another activist. “It becomes a parade, and we’re on serious business.”

The anti-violence demonstrations come as Chicago residents flee the city as murder rates, robberies, and assaults escalate throughout the region.

Read the full report at Fox News.

GANGLAND: Giuliani Says Chicago Murders ‘DIRECT RESULT’ of ‘Democratic Rule’

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.07.18

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani unloaded on Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel this week, saying his city’s outrageous murder rate and gang violence was a “direct result” of Democratic policies dating back decades.

Giuliani slammed Emanuel on social media just days after Chicago’s gang violence spiraled out of control; leaving twelve people dead and over 70 injured in just a 48-hour window.

“Chicago murders are direct result of one party Democratic rule for decades. Policing genius Jerry McCarthy can do for Chicago what I did for NYC. He was one of the architects of Compstat. Slashed homicides over 70%. Tens of thousands of lives saved,” tweeted Rudy.

Chicago’s deadly weekend prompted Emanuel and the city’s top police officers to hold emergency meetings, eventually urging “neighborhoods” to “step up” and help stem the deadly clashes between rival gang members.

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