
GALLUP POLL: ‘Immigration’ Tops the List of ‘MOST IMPORTANT’ Issues Facing US

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.19.18

A new poll by Gallup may spell disaster for the media’s over-hyped “blue wave” this November, with data showing “immigration” topping the list of likely voters’ top concerns and “Russia” plummeting to new lows.

“Immigration has risen to the top of the list when Americans are asked to name the most important problem facing the nation — edging out the government, which has been the top issue each month since January 2017,” writes Gallup.

The survey found that 22% of those asked believe “immigration” is the most pressing issue facing the country today; up from 14% this June and reaching the highest percentage in Gallup’s history.

A similar poll conducted earlier this year found just 1% of voters considered “the situation with Russia” to be the “most important issue facing this country today.”

Read the full survey here.

COLLUSION COLLAPSE: Liberal Senator ADMITS Americans ‘Not Focused’ on Russia Probe

posted by Hannity Staff - 6.13.18

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy shocked his left-wing colleagues this week when he publicly admitted that most voters are “not focused” on special counsel Robert Mueller’s year-long investigation into Russian collusion.

Murphy was commenting in a recent study Wednesday that showed 32% of all voters and a whopping 40% of independent voters “either had no opinion of the special counsel or had never heard of him.”

“Verifies what I find in Connecticut – while political class follows every Mueller twist and turn, tons of swing voters are focused on the same things they always are – health care, wages, education, safety,” tweeted Murphy.

The Senator’s admission flies in the face of the mainstream media and liberal legislators breathless assertions for over one year that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia; raising serious questions over the much-hyped “Blue Wave” predicted for November.


posted by Hannity Staff - 7.09.18

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi doubled-down on her anti-Trump rhetoric this week, saying “civilization as we know it as at risk” should the Republicans continue to lead Congress following the 2018 midterm elections.

Pelosi was speaking with Rolling Stone magazine when she was asked to comment on how the Democrats were prepared to flip districts won by President Trump in 2016; saying “How do you narrow it down?”

“Civilization as we know it today is at risk in this election. We have to win. We have to win. So you can’t spread your money too thinly, because you can run the risk,” said the leading Democrat.

“If the election were today – no question we would win. But you have to be aware of the undercurrents. Because you don’t know what can come along – and what comes along eclipses what you’re doing,” she added.

Pelosi’s comments come as the over-hyped “blue wave” predicted for this November continues to crash and burn, with some polls showing the once double-digit Democrat advantage reduced to just a few points.

Read the full interview at Rolling Stone.

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