
'FREEDOM OVER OUR HEALTH AGAIN': Noem Says SCOTUS Ruling 'Huge Win for American People'

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.13.22

Governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem responded to the Supreme Court’s ruling to block the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates for private employers. She shared her thoughts on Twitter:

“My FULL statement on #SCOTUS blocking the OSHA vaccine mandate:

Our nation was built on freedom, on the belief that our rights come from God, not from government. Any infringement on our rights risks breaking the constitutional republic that we hold so dear.”

“I am grateful that the Supreme Court has taken this important action to guarantee the rights of employees to make their own personal choice whether or not to get a COVID vaccine.”

“I look forward to working with the legislature to pass protections for private employees, just like we have already done for state workers. And employers can rest assured that they will not lose valuable employees to President Biden’s unconstitutional OSHA mandate.”

Noem also shared the following thoughts on Facebook:

The Supreme Court just ruled Biden’s vaccine mandate on employers unconstitutional. This is a huge win for the American people and I am proud that South Dakota joined this lawsuit and refused to enforce the vaccine mandate from the very beginning. The people have freedom and personal responsibility over their health once again.”

During Governor Noem’s State of the State this week, she said “The COVID vaccination should be a choice.”

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