Desperate Democrats in the US Senate posted a surprising video on social media Tuesday, calling for all Americans to attend college “debt free” despite failing to propose how they plan to pay for the massive government program.
Liberal stars -such as Sens. Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren- appear throughout the minute-long video; announcing their pledge to provide free college to incoming students and “reducing debt” for those with pre-existing loans.
We believe students should be able to graduate from college debt free, Americans with student loans should have tools to they need to reduce or eliminate debt, and student costs should be reduced. We believe students and their families deserve a better deal.
— Senate Democrats (@SenateDems) August 28, 2018
“We believe students should be able to graduate from college debt free. A ‘Better Deal’ plan will put millions of students on a path to a debt free future,” said Schumer.
“For those Americans who already have student loans, we will hold student loan companies accountable and equip them with the tools they need to reduce or eliminate their debt,” added Warren.
Watch the video above.
DEMOCRAT DELUSION: Schumer Calls Big Bonuses 'CRUMBS' for Working Families
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer doubled-down on Democratic talking points regarding the recently passed GOP tax cuts on Friday; echoing House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s non-stop insistence that increased wages and big bonuses were simply “pathetic crumbs” given to American workers.
Schumer was speaking on the Senate floor when he predictably attacked the GOP-led tax overhaul, saying middle-class Americans were “getting crumbs” while large companies and corporations were getting “nice fat pieces of pie.”
“When the American people learn that some of them are not getting anything, some of them are getting raises, and the rest are getting crumbs; and big corporations and wealthy individuals are getting nice, fat pieces of pie… they’re going to be outraged,” said Schumer. “They are already.”
The Minority Leader’s comments come as the nation’s largest corporations announce their plans to reinvest in the United States and pay out big bonuses and higher wages to American-based workers.
This week, Home Depot joined AT&T, Visa, Walmart, American Airlines, Disney, and other companies pledging to expand benefits and raise earnings after President Trump signed the sweeping overhaul of the nation’s outdated tax code into law.
Watch Schumer’s comments above.
New York Assemblyman and close Clinton and Schumer ally Dov Hikind slammed liberal legislators in Washington Friday; accusing the Democrats of “betraying American values” and urged leaders to “restore sanity” to the party.
The lifelong Democrat from Brooklyn ripped Schumer’s vicious attacks on the President that were part of the Senator’s fundraising efforts in recent weeks; saying his comments “omitted vital information” about the economy and North Korea.
“As a fellow Democrat, I ask you to work to restore sanity and honesty to our party… Until then, I’m afraid the Republicans have my support,” said Hikind, adding the Democrats were “betraying the ideals that our party once stood for — American values.”
“Senator Schumer, in your letter you promise to fight for Democratic values and go on at great length to fully villainize the current administration,” he added. “You forgot to tell us about the economy. As good as it’s been, economists expect even more growth through the end of the year.”
“You forgot to tell us about tax cuts. I’m part of the middle class and now I’m getting a little extra in my paycheck. I’m happy about that and so are tens of millions of Americans, Senator,” said Hikind.
Read the full story at Fox News.