
DONE DEAL: President Trump Signs HISTORIC TWO-YEAR Budget Agreement

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.09.18

Just hours after the House of Representatives passed a historic $400 billion budget agreement in the early hours Friday morning, President Trump signed the bill into law; funding the federal government for an additional two-years and averting a second ‘Schumer Shutdown.’

The House voted 240-186 to technically ‘re-open’ the government after GOP Sen. Rand Paul effectively shut down the United States government for hours after he blocked a late-night vote with his fiery speech on the Senate floor.

“Just signed Bill. Our Military will now be stronger than ever before. We love and need our Military and gave them everything — and more. First time this has happened in a long time. Also means JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!” tweeted the President.

“Ultimately, neither side got everything it wanted in this agreement, but we reached a bipartisan compromise that puts the safety and well-being of the American people first,” said Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. “Once the president signs this bill into law, we will have a clear path to pursue our ambitious agenda for 2018.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi predictably voted against the bipartisan budget agreement, claiming it did little to protect millions of ‘Dreamers’ currently residing in the United States.

APOCALYPSE NOW: Feinstein Warns ‘PEOPLE WILL DIE’ if Gov Shuts Down

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.19.18

Leading Democrats have officially abandoned their dire predictions of ‘Armageddon’ surrounding the GOP tax cuts, but are now warning that “people will die” should the government shut down Friday evening; saying the move will cause “necessary functions” to cease for civilians throughout the country.

Left-leaning Senator Dianne Feinstein escalated her war of words with her Congressional opponents on Thursday, breathlessly claiming the pending shutdown would likely cause death and destruction for an untold number of Americans.

“Shutting down the government is a very serious thing. People die, accidents happen. You don’t know. Necessary functions can cease,” Feinstein told CNN.

“There is no specific list you can look at and make a judgment: ‘Well everything is going to be just fine.’ You can’t make that judgment. So, I think it’s a last resort. And I’m really hopeful we don’t get to it,” she added.

Despite the liberal Senator’s concerns, Feinstein announced she will not vote for any budget deal that doesn’t include a ‘Dream Act.’

“I won’t vote for a CR without the Dream Act. We need to get the Dream Act passed, negotiate a multi-year budget agreement and fund the government through September, and we need to do so now,” Feinstein tweeted.


posted by Hannity Staff - 2.07.18

Congressional lawmakers have reportedly reached a last-minute deal to avert a full-fledged government shutdown Wednesday, boosting domestic spending and slashing “budget caps” on the military budget for at least two years.

The arrangement was struck in the US Senate, amending a House resolution that was passed earlier this week. If passed, the bill goes back to the lower chamber for approval.

“A plan to lift the debt limit, which requires action in the coming weeks, and whether to extend expiring tax provisions were among the few outstanding issues, according to aides in both parties familiar with the talks,” writes Politico. “The debt limit would likely be extended through the midterm election under one framework of the deal that has been discussed.”

“I’m optimistic that very soon we’ll be able to reach an agreement,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The ongoing negotiations hit a major impasse Wednesday, with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi saying she needed a “firm commitment” from Speaker Paul Ryan on an up-or-down vote on DACA.

Read the full story at Politico.

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