Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is scheduled to meet with President Trump at the White House Thursday; ending hours of media speculation after he was abruptly summoned to the White House Monday morning.
According to an official statement from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Rosenstein “had an extended conversation” with the President regarding recent media reports he proposed “secretly recording” Trump during Oval Office meetings.
“At the request of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he and President Trump had an extended conversation to discuss the recent news stories,” said Sanders.
“Because the President is at the United Nations General Assembly and has a full schedule with leaders from around the world, they will meet on Thursday when the President returns to Washington, D.C.,” she added.
Read the developing story here.
GOWDY UNCHAINED: The GOP Rep. Demands to Know 'What the Hell is Going On' at the FBI
GOP Congressman Trey Gowdy called-out Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein during a fiery exchange Wednesday afternoon, asking the senior administration official, “What the hell is going on with the Department of Justice?”
Rosenstein was speaking with the House Judiciary Committee over allegations special counsel Robert Mueller’s office was riddled with conflicts of interest and anti-Trump bias.
What in the hell is going on with the DOJ and the FBI?
“When I go home to South Carolina this weekend […] they’re going to ask me, What in the hell is going on with the Department of Justice and the FBI?” said Gowdy.
“The reason we have special counsel is because of a conflict of interest. The regulation itself specifically makes reference to a conflict of interest,” he added. Those who are supposed to make sure there are no conflicts of interest seem to have a few of their own. There’s a senior prosecutor who’s sending emails to a fact witness.”
“She may be the most important fact witness in an obstruction of justice case,” said the lawmaker.
“Then we have a prosecutor assigned in this ‘conflict of interest free’ team who attended what was supposed to be a victory party for Secretary Clinton. We have a senior DOJ official with an office that used to be two-doors down from yours meeting with Fusion GPS,” he added.
Gowdy’s harsh words come as Rosenstein bucked GOP calls to remove Robert Mueller from the DOJ probe of Russian “collusion,” claiming he has “no good reason” to dump the special counsel “as of yet.”
Watch Gowdy’s comments above.
GREGG JARRETT: Rosenstein’s ‘COUP ATTEMPT’ Cannot Go Unpunished
The New York Times stunned Americans on both sides of the political aisle Friday afternoon, publishing a bombshell exposé that claims Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suggested “secretly recording” President Trump and using the material to remove him from office.
Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett slammed the revelations in a scathing report just hours after the Times published the article, saying the DOJ official’s “attempted coup” cannot go unpunished.
“Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s actions, as recounted by the New York Times Friday, are the equivalent of an attempted coup — a plot to overthrow the president,” writes Jarrett.
“He solicited others to wear wires, including Andrew McCabe, who was later fired as Assistant FBI Director. Rosenstein is said to have discussed recruiting cabinet members to depose Trump under the 25th Amendment,” he adds.
“Those who abused their positions of power to subvert the rule of law and undermine the democratic process should be held accountable,” Jarrett warns. “It should begin with the firing of Rod Rosenstein. It should end with a presentment to a grand jury for potential criminal indictments.”
Read the full story at Fox News.