
CARAVAN ARRIVES: Central American Migrants ARRIVE at US-Mexico Border in Tijuana

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.14.18

The first wave of migrants from the Central American ‘caravan’ arrived at the US-Mexico border in Tijuana Tuesday; attempting to cross the international fence but retreating after Border Patrol Agents approached.

According to Fox San Diego, “People on the Mexican side of the border could be seen climbing the fence near Friendship Park Tuesday afternoon after part of the Central American migrant caravan arrived in Tijuana.”

US Border Patrol released an official statement hours later, saying they believe the migrants are the first to approach the United States from the ‘migrant caravan’ making its way north.

“I was very surprised how many people are here and how many different officials are here, it seems like there’s something going on it’s not normal to have this many resources tied up all these vehicles saw armored car coming down the road it just seemed more than just an average day,” said a local resident.

Read the full story at Fox.

BETO BOMBSHELL: New Video Shows Staffers Used Campaign Funds to ‘ILLEGALLY AID’ Migrant Caravan

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.01.18

Unbelievable undercover footage released by Project Veritas Thursday raises serious legal and ethical questions surrounding Beto O’Rourke’s senate campaign; revealing top staffers potentially violated federal law by using campaign finances to help undocumented workers traveling with the ‘migrant caravan.’

The bombshell video shows O’Rourke’s field manager and others scheming to help the migrants after crossing into the US; suggesting campaign workers use donations and other official funds and resources to assist Central American migrants entering the United States.

“You know that migrant caravan? A few of them got here already and they’re dropping them off like really close,” said a campaign field manager. “I’m going to get some food right now and some stuff to drop off.”

“Don’t ever repeat this stuff but like, if we just say we’re buying some food for an event, like Halloween events,” suggested another staffer.

“That’s not a horrible idea, but I didn’t hear anything,” said the manager. “I think we can use that with [prepaid campaign debit cards] to buy some food, all that sh*t can be totally masked.”

CARAVAN CRISIS: Migrant Caravan Swells to 14,000, Heads Towards USA

posted by Hannity Staff - 10.24.18

The migrant caravan slowly making its way towards the United States’ southern border with Mexico continued to grow in recent days, with local reporters saying the marching immigrants are now estimated at 14,000 individuals.

According to Newsweek, the “caravan” is gradually gaining more members as it makes its way north towards American border crossings in Texas and California.

“In a series of tweets, President Donald Trump has unsuccessfully urged Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to halt the migrant caravan, which is believed to have reached more than 14,000 members in southern Mexico,” writes Newsweek.

The President has routinely warned the migrants to return to their home countries in recent days, saying “We are a great Sovereign Nation. We have Strong Borders and will never accept people coming into our Country illegally!”

Read the full report at Newsweek.

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