Border Crisis

BORDER BUSTING! Del Rio Sector at 169% Capacity as Mayorkas Pops in for a Visit; Report

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.29.23

According to a Daily Caller exclusive report, a facility in the Del Rio border sector of Texas is currently at 169% capacity; the number of migrants in custody has surged in recent weeks, including the capture of 21 child sex predators since October 1st.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is meeting with border authorities in Uvalde, Texas on Wednesday and will receive a briefing from Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens.

Meanwhile, The Washington Examiner reports most Americans back Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s efforts to impeach Mayorkas for failing to secure the southern border.

“JUST IN: Voters back Marjorie Taylor Greene’s impeachment of Mayorkas “By a margin of 55%-33%, likely voters want the Homeland Security secretary out.“ The American people want us to do the job we were sent to do. Impeaching Mayorkas isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s a popular thing to do!” MTG shared on her X account.

“Republicans were elected to a House majority because the American people are sick and tired of no one in Washington being held accountable for destroying our country,” MTG said in another post.

More over at The Daily Caller:

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