
'BIDEN WILL DO NOTHING': Post Editorial Board Unloads on Joe's Failure to Act on Border [OP-ED]

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.18.24

by The New York Post Editorial Board

Open Borders Joe has made it clear.

America should not expect any relief from the humanitarian disaster he caused by inviting an endless flood of illegal immigrants into our country.

On the contrary — let the deluge continue!

In “backgrounders” to Politico, CNN, The New York Times and a host of other outlets last month, the White House sent out test balloons about taking executive actions to slow the influx.


Biden’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement is taking meetings with lefties who want to abolish the agency — as clear a signal as any that there’s been no real policy shift.

And border henchman-in-chief Alejandro Maoyrkas is stonewalling Congress about Jose Ibarra, the murderous Venezuelan thug who entered the country on his watch, was released into the interior and allegedly went on to murder Georgia nursing student Laken Riley.

It’s plain the administration isn’t going to do anything.

That Biden will treat the rising tide of anxiety over the border catastrophe with the same contempt he treated Americans’ worries over inflation.


Partly, it looks like a demented election strategy.

Despite the massive negatives the border is generating for him in the polls, our prez plainly figures he’d pay a worse price if he alienates the screeching open-borders extremists who dominate his party’s base.

Stockholm Syndrome at its ugliest.

Plus, actually doing something would prove that he can — indeed, that’s he’s had the power from the start.

Full op-ed over at The New York Post:

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