
BIDEN MOCKS UNVACCINATED: ‘I Have the Freedom to Kill You With COVID? Come On!’

posted by Hannity Staff - 10.22.21

President Biden publicly mocked unvaccinated Americans during his CNN Town Hall event Thursday night; telling the audience that first responders who refuse the medication should be fired by local governments.

“As many as one in three emergency responders in some cities are refusing to comply with vaccine mandates. Should police officers be mandated to get vaccines and if not should they stay at home and be let go?” asked CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

“Yes and yes,” said the Commander-in-Chief.

The presidential town hall comes as Biden’s poll numbers nosedive.

“President Joe Biden’s approval rating slipped deeply underwater in the CNBC All-America Economic Survey as Americans soured on his economic leadership, lost some confidence in his handling of the coronavirus, and grew increasingly concerned about inflation and supply shortages,” reports the financial website.

“Just 41% of the public approve of Biden’s handling of the presidency, compared with 52% who disapprove. The poll of 800 Americans, conducted Oct. 14-17, has a margin of error of 3.5%,” adds the outlet.


“Last quarter, the economic numbers were flashing yellow for Biden, but now that’s intensified and the light is flashing red, and it’s accompanied by multiple blaring sirens,” said Micah Roberts, partner at Public Opinion Strategies.

“If the economy doesn’t get back on track, and the Coronavirus doesn’t reverse course at some point soon, then this is a presidency that’s going to be in real trouble,” added Jay Campbell, a partner at Hart Research Associates.

Watch the President’s comments above.

BIDEN in TX: ‘Look, Tomorrow is Super Thursday… Tuesday… I’m Rushing Ahead Aren’t I?’

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.02.20

Former Vice President Joe Biden continued his gaffe-filled campaign Monday in Texas; telling supporters tomorrow is “Super Thursday” before correcting himself.

“Join us. Go to… Sign up, volunteer, contribute if you can, but we need you very badly. Every vote matters tomorrow… Look, tomorrow is Super Thursday… Tuesday. I’ll tell you what, I’m rushing ahead aren’t I?” asked Biden.


Watch Biden’s comments above.

BIDEN on ???: ‘Fast-Food Workers’ Forced to Sign ‘Non-Compete Agreements’ But They Don’t ‘Have Secrets’

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.08.20

Former Vice President Joe Biden continued his gaffe-filled campaign over the weekend; strangely asserting that fast-food workers are forced to sign “non-compete agreements” so they can’t earn “five more cents.”

“You had thousands of employees making an hourly wage having to sign non-compete agreements. So if you work at Burger King, you can’t go across town to McDonald’s to try and get five more cents. All designed to do nothing, just keep wages down, you could not go!” said Biden.

“It’s not like you have a secret, these are people making an hourly wage. Just doing their job. They were told they can’t even bargain!” he added.

Watch Biden’s bizarre comments above.


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