
BAD IDEA: Ocasio-Cortez to Debate Economics Professor Over Socialism

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.27.18

Socialist superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is set to square off with her Republican opponent in the coming weeks; setting the stage for a philosophical debate between the self-described Democratic Socialist and a former economics professor.

Cortez will face-off against GOP candidate Dr. Anthony Pappas; a former Associate Professor in Economics and Finance at St. John’s University in New York City.

“‘Professor vs Student’ of economics, this debate will offer the first glimpse of the major party candidates as they go head-to-head in the November 6th general election,” said a press release from Pappas’ campaign.

“Pappas is adamantly opposed to [socialism] because it is not an economic model that has worked in world history,” the campaign told the Daily Wire. “She is far away from any rational plan of action or solution.”

“Ocasio-Cortez is relying on a ‘make the wealthy pay for it’ scam which was shown to raise only $2 trillion for her spending spree,” added the campaign.

h/t Daily Wire

CLASS WARFARE: Ocasio-Cortez Says American Society Divided by ‘TOP VS DOWN’

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.07.18

Socialist superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged her fellow Democrats to “reframe” their message to American voters this week, saying candidates should no longer view issues as “left and right” but rather “top and down.”

Cortez made the surprising statement during a recent radio interview Monday, blasting West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin for “dropping $2 million” against a progressive challenger who still received 30% of the vote.

“That, to me, tells me that we need to start reframing our issues instead of left and right to top and down and it’s not about, like, oh, you know, ‘I have to whether my message to Republicans.’ There are people that really want to feel like there’s an unapologetic working class champion for them,” said Cortez.

Watch the socialist superstar above.

CRINGE WORTHY: Ocasio-Cortez Offers INCOHERENT DEFENSE of Nancy Pelosi

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.09.18

Socialist superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez froze when asked about the future leadership of the Democratic Party this week; stuttering through a series of incoherent sentences when pressed on Pelosi’s political ambitions.

Cortez was speaking with CNN when she desperately tried to deflect questions on whether she’d back House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House should Democrats retake control of Congress this fall.


“I think absolutely right now.. She is the leader of..no no, um, she is speaker..or rather leader Pelosi..hopefully we’ll see..she’s ah..she’s the current leader of the party and..the party absolutely does have its leadership in the House and Senate,” said Cortez.

Watch the awkward moment above.

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