With the GOP tax plan racing its way through the US Congress, all eyes once again turn to Senator John McCain; who’s swing vote may once again doom or delay a key aspect of President Trump’s legislative agenda.
According to the New York Times, Sen. McCain has been “tight-lipped” over whether he can get behind the Republican proposal, raising serious doubts in the minds of his conservative colleagues over whether he’s preparing for a repeat of his infamous “no” vote that sunk their efforts to “repeal and replace” Obamacare earlier this year.
Just this week, reporters pressed the Senator whether he was leaning towards supporting the tax bill; asking what he would like to see changed in the proposal. “A lot of things,” replied McCain.
“I don’t know,” said longtime McCain aide Douglas Holtz-Eakin. “For most people, there are going to be things in there they don’t like and the question is what is preferable, the status quo or the bill.”
If McCain votes “no,” this wouldn’t be the first time the “maverick” senator tried to sabotage a GOP-led tax proposal.
In 2001, McCain was one of two Republicans to vote against George W. Bush’s landmark tax cut, saying “I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us, at the expense of middle-class Americans who most need tax relief.”
The Senate is expected to begin procedural votes on the new tax pan as early as today.