NO THANKS: NFL Ratings TANK as Furious Fans Tune Out

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.20.17

The National Football League continues to struggle as furious fans change the channel from Monday Night Football, following weeks of player protests against the national anthem and the American flag.

According to Yahoo News, the ratings decline seen in recent days continued in week four of the NFL season, with 10% fewer viewers watching Monday night’s game than the previous week.

The stunning numbers also show an 8% drop from this time last year.

“Against a packed Big 4 primetime, MNF snared an 8.4 in metered market numbers. That’s down 10% from the Cowboys and Cardinals game of September 25. Year-to-year, the Chiefs’ fourth straight win this season dipped 8% in the early numbers from the comparable Minnesota Vikings’ 24-10 win over the New York Giant on October 3, 2016 – a season of sliding ratings that the NFL wants to forget, but may repeat,” writes the entertainment site.

The NFL’s terrible numbers are beginning to raise alarm bells throughout the league as owners and officials are beginning to see a direct impact on their teams’ finances.

President Trump brought the issue to national focus last month, when he called for a boycott of the league until the NFL banned player protests during the national anthem.

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